A group of Patriots protested out in front of Hyatt Regency yesterday between 11am and 2pm yesterday. the California-based National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (NNIRR)were having a conference to stratigize for the next "amnesty" attempt. We Houstonians found out how HPD Officer Sourenson worked his side job. At the bequest of "Californian immigration lawyers" he hassled the 1/2 dozen of us on the sidewalk with "where's your permit", "your protest permit"?.....this tactic is getting old. An HPD Officer should know the law, and we were within the law protesting (without bullhorns or blocking roadways) but with the California communists at his side he tried to deny us our legal right to assemble and only with our cameras clicking and stating our stance we needed no permit; did Officer Sourenson do his job and call the police station for clarification of the law. (the entire time the California immigration lawyers were in his face prevy to the call he was making) who works for who?? Does HPD officers work for we citizens or the immigration lobby and their henchmen?
Please, pass this on.