From: Federation for American Immigration Reform <> Add to Address Book
Date: 2006/09/15 Fri PM 04:19:32 EDT
Subject: Lame Duck Season Opens Soon 9-15-2006

Lame Duck Season Opens Soon:
House Plans "Border Security Now" Agenda for September and a "Very Probable" Guest Worker Amnesty after Elections

The weather is getting cooler in D.C. and that means Congress is beginning to pull the wool over the American public's eyes. On Thursday, September 14, 2006, House Leadership gathered for a press conference announcing their "Border Security Now" agenda for September. The Secure Fence Act 2006 passed the same day as item number one on that agenda. House Republicans learned from their hearings over the summer that the American public is overwhelmingly in favor of border security and ending illegal immigration. House Leadership believes that picking up border security will pay off in the November elections and keep Republicans in the majority. They are moving forward with many initiatives to secure the border. FAIR applauds the House for starting out and completing the first mile in a 26 mile race.

HOWEVER, danger is just under the surface. FAIR has learned from highly credible Hill sources that these border security efforts are helping the House grease the skids for a "very probable" guest worker amnesty program for the lame duck session beginning November 13. Members of Congress are planning on moving a guest worker bill in a time where they will be the furthest from the next election…right after this coming election. Acting in a lame duck session allows members to get the best of both worlds. To appease the public and get reelected, they will pass border security. To appease big business, they will pass a guest worker program after the elections. When will enforcement of our immigration laws come into play? Nobody knows.

FAIR wants to get the American public aware of this political shell game—a little enforcement in return for a massive guest worker amnesty. We will support the House's efforts for the "Border Security Now" agenda, but we must also expose efforts to cater to big business interests—interests that are diametrically opposed to what the American people really want.

The "Border Security Now" agenda, to be addressed again next week on the House Floor, includes the following items:

More Border Fencing and Improved Surveillance Technology

Secure Fence Act: (House Passed 9/14/06)
Funding for Secure Border Initiative

Homeland Security Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2007: Provides $3.98 billion for the Secure Border Initiative, the president's plan to gain operational control of our borders over the next 5 years. Provides $161 million for border security technology, including aerial surveillance and unmanned aerial vehicles.
Funding for More Border Patrol Agents

Homeland Security Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2007: Provides $2.33 billion in funding for the United States Border Patrol, including funds for 1,200 new border patrol agents, to support a workforce of 13,580 agents. Also provides $2.65 billion for Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE), including funding for an additional 1,212 ICE agents and officers, for a total of 11,500.
"Catch & Return," not "Catch & Release"

Fairness in Immigration Litigation Act: Ends outdated injunctions that prevent the effective enforcement of immigration laws and has led to "catch and release" policies. Gangs, such as MS-13, have exploited these loopholes, and many criminal aliens have been released onto our streets.
Detention and Deportation of Alien Gang Members

Alien Gang Removal Act: Prohibits alien gang members from entering the U.S. and allows for detention and deportation of alien gang members already within the country.
Expedited Removal of Alien Criminals

Criminal Alien Removal Act: Allows for expedited removal of alien criminals who are not permanent residents. Currently, these aliens are placed in lengthy removal proceedings despite the fact that they are ineligible for relief.
Increase in Prosecution of Alien Smugglers

Alien Smuggler Prosecution Act: Authorizes an increase in the number of federal prosecutors for alien smuggling cases and encourages the attorney general to establish uniform guidelines for prosecution of smuggling offenses.
Criminalization of Construction and Financing of Border Tunnels

Border Tunnel Prevention Act: Creates criminal penalties of up to 20 years' imprisonment for knowingly constructing or financing the construction of unauthorized tunnels at the border to stop the possible smuggling of aliens, contraband, drugs, weapons, or terrorists.
Detention of Dangerous Aliens Unable to be Deported

Dangerous Alien Detention Act: Allows for the continued detention of dangerous aliens under orders of removal for more than six months if they cannot be removed within the six month timeframe. Currently the Department of Homeland Security has no choice but to release many criminal aliens back into our country when they cannot be removed in six months.
Reaffirm Authority of State and Local law Enforcement to Enforce Immigration Laws

State and Local Law Enforcement Cooperation in the Enforcement of Immigration Law Act: Reaffirms the authority of state and local law enforcement to voluntarily investigate, identify, detain, and transfer to federal custody aliens in the United States in order to assist in the enforcement of immigration laws.
You've spent the last year standing up to and speaking out against a guest worker amnesty that would give away millions of U.S. jobs. The last few weeks of the lame duck session (beginning Nov. 13) are the most opportune time for the White House and special interests to get done what you've so far kept from happening.

The end of the 109th Congress is just around the corner. Don't let them pass a massive guest worker amnesty under your watch! Stay tuned to FAIR for more information as events unfold.