Larry Fester
Published 10/26/2007 - 1:50 p.m. EDT

Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul’s campaign is about to invade New Hampshire by radio, television, and direct mail.

Paul’s campaign has started running this radio spot in New Hampshire, Iowa, South Carolina, and Nevada. is reporting that Ron Paul will spend 1 million on five television commercials accompanied by direct mail. The campaign is sending out a 12 page biographical pamphlet.

It appears that polls are never wrong they just change when they have to. Ron Paul is polling 7.4% in New Hampshire according to a St. Anselm College’s Institute of Politics poll. Â*Another poll shows Ron Paul beating his GOP rivals among African American voters.

If Paul’s television ads are as direct as his radio ad it could have a devastating impact on Giuliani, Romney, McCain, and Thompson.
The radio spot criticizes candidates that supported ‘amnesty for illegal aliens’ ‘out of control spending’ ‘nation building overseas’ and states that those policies were Bill Clinton’s.

It also states that Ron Paul never voted for a tax increase or unbalanced budget, voted against amnesty for illegal aliens, and voted against nation building over seas.

A victory in the New Hampshire Primary could give Ron Paul the momentum to win the Republican nomination.

Paul’s campaign has also seen an increase in momentum for it’s fund raising efforts. The campaign looks like it will easily raise about 2.5 million this month alone, about half of what it raised in the last quarter. Â*
Ron Paul will also be appearing on Jay Leno this Tuesday and is having a $2000 per person Hollywood fund raising event.

Ron Paul advocates reforming the Federal Reserve system by authorizing competing currencies, abolishing federal income taxes, repealing the Patriot Act and defending the Bill of Rights, a non interventionist foreign policy, protecting U.S. borders, and ending the Iraq war.

It looks like America is about to find out who Ron Paul is. Visit the USA Daily Forum to discuss this and other issues.Â*Â*Â*Â*Â*