The Democrats Must be Stopped
Editorial - VCT newsletter -
November, 1996

In his book, THE NEXT WAR, former Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger postulates a condition whereby the United States of America is forced to invade Mexico to stop millions of illegal aliens from invading our country.

In the week Weinberger's book was released, a preeminent historian at one of America's most prestigious Universities, Dr. David M. Kennedy of Stanford, warned in the Atlantic Monthly magazine that the United States may be facing the breakup of our nation because of the Mexican invasion.

At the same time, the Los Angeles Times was running a series on one Mexican gang with 20,000 members which is terrorizing Los Angeles. When she spoke out about illegal immigration on national television, Bell High School teacher Ezola Foster was driven from her classroom by radical Chicanos. Led by a liberal Democrat school board, Los Angeles schools have become recruiting grounds for Mexican gangs.

Buoyed by a massive drive to register Latino voters which was financed by American taxpayers, the Democrats retook the California Assembly and immediately named a Mexican-American to the Speakership. He, in turn named a rabid Mexican nationalist, Antonio Villaraigosa, to act as Majority Leader.

The invasion of the United States by Mexico is one of the most serious challenges ever to face the Untied States. Professor Kennedy says, "The possibility looms that in the next generation or so we will see a kind of Chicano Quebec take shape in the American Southwest."

From Bill Clinton's misuse of the naturalization process to create more Democrat voters, to the selection of Cruz Bustamante as Speaker of the California Assembly, to Brad Sherman's attack on VCT, to countless votes in Congress, to the liberal cabal which controls Los Angeles, the Democrats have proven over and over again that they are aligned with those who are invading America.

Bob Dole never understood the seriousness of this threat. His selection of Jack Kemp as a running mate proved that. Republicans such as Newt Gingrich do seem to understand and the Reform Party may yet come to our rescue. America is now engaged in a historic struggle similar to the years preceding the Civil War.

Caspar Weinberger tells us that we could end up invading Mexico to stop the invasion. If that were to happen, the uprising by 4 million Mexican nationals in Southern California would make the 1992 riots look like a picnic.

There is going to be another Civil War. It will occur in the American Southwest and it will involve Mexico and Mexican gangs. Unlike Weinberger's neat scenario, however, it is not certain who will prevail. If the Democrats have their way, it will not be America.

As VCT warned, Bill Clinton and the Democrats are the enemy of the American People. They must be exposed and they must be stopped.

Glenn Spencer ... 10596.html