National Alliance for Worker and Employer Rights petition against any Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill including Amnesty and Guest Worker programs for Illegals in the United States of America

Whereas, The United States has more open borders without local law enforcement allowing greater illegal immigration, and
Whereas, unions target newly legalized immigrants and unfairly win union elections without a secret ballot, and
Whereas, Unions and Liberal democrats have added and expanded Davis Bacon prevailing wages to the private sector which would burden many small business with costs they cannot pay; now, therefore be it,

Resolved, increase Border control to include a full fence, more border patrol and allow Local law enforcement to arrest illegals whereever they maybe
Resolved, allow full secret ballot protections in the workplace for the "newly legalized" that make elections for a union fair and balanced
Resolved, Repeal any Davis-Bacon provisions or Bills in Congress relating to future immigration Bills --Protect Small Business from union Tyranny!

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