From Bay Buchanan at Team America PAC:

Dear Friend,

Amazing things are going on in Utah! And we have done it! How am I so
certain? Because this week Chris Cannon began a radio ad campaign
against us!!

We—you and I—are being demonized in Utah for having the audacity to
tell the truth about a republican!! We are the perpetrators of a “vicious
smear campaign” against of poor old Chris Cannon.

Cannon’s campaign manager is quoted as saying: “Not only are they
[Team America] attacking Chris Cannon—they’re attacking the Republican Party and they’re attacking the President. They’re dividing the Republican Party.”

Accountability hurts, doesn’t it!

The real problem for Chris is his lies aren’t working any more. He can
no longer convince the voter he is really tough on illegal immigration.

The establishment is in complete panic and is pulling out all stops to
win. And guess what news came out today---40% of the voters in
Cannon’s district are undecided!!

This is unbelievable and it is because of our ads. We have exposed the
real Chris Cannon—the one supported by the evidence--his abysmal record onamnesty!

So here is what the Grand Old Party does when one of their own is
threaten in his own primary. First, they get their corporate masters to pour hundreds of thousands of dollars into the campaign. Then they recruit Congressman Sensenbrenner, George Bush, and even Laura Bush to be on phones and do radio ads!—all this for a tiny little Republican primary.

We have the President, the First Lady of the Untied States, and the
Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee on radio ads or on push calls
so Chris Cannon doesn’t lose to another Republican in his primary!

We are in the middle of a fire storm in Utah and anything could happen.
But if Cannon loses with all the forces of the Republican Establishment
trolling for votes for him it will be a major blow to their amnesty

But no matter what happens on Tuesday we have already won!!!

Because of the enormously effective campaign we have launched against
Cannon—the House Republicans have decided to hold off all talk of a
compromise immigration bill with the Senate!!

Instead they are taking the Senate bill on the road to see what
Americans think about it!! They are going to have hearings around the country and ask people everywhere if they think corporations should be given amnesty, whether there should be amnesty for 15 million illegals, and how about social security for illegal workers.

For their sake, I hope security is heavy.

Well, friend, I can not tell you how honored I am to be working with
you. So many have supported this effort that we have now purchased our last buy—stronger than ever-- for next Monday. We have been up on radio for two weeks now and the impact of our simple message has shaken the party. I believe we will see converts to the cause by the dozens as the November election approaches.

I’ll have some ideas of where Team America needs to go after Tuesday to
keep the pressure on and will elaborate in the next e-mail.

Please say a prayer that our side gets out and votes next Tuesday. A
Cannon defeat would be an awesome topping to our successful little
adventure into Utah.

My best, as always.
Bay Buchanan