Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 18:27:15 -0800
Subject: [La Voz de Aztlan] Aztlan Arising: 700,000+ March in Los Angeles
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Aztlan Arising: 700,000+ March in Los Angeles

"La Gran Marcha" surpasses all expectations

Ernesto Cienfuegos
La Voz de Aztlan

[IMAGE] Los Angeles, Alta California - March 26, 2006 -
(ACN) Yesterday's march and rally for immigrant rights in
downtown Los Angeles is the largest in the city's history.
Never has the "City of Angels" seen so many demonstrators
filling the streets of the city's center. The sleeping giant
has finally awaken giving rise to a new immigrant civil
rights movement of unprecedented proportions.

The leadership of the various participating groups demonstrated
extraordinary organizational skills. Much credit goes to the over 700,000
marchers, that included entire families, for their superb orderly
behavior. There was not one act of violence even though the vile
"Minutemen Vigilantes" had made threats against "La Gran Marcha" on their

[IMAGE] The size of the pro-immigrant march and rally
surprised the world and the nation. A spokesperson for the
Los Angeles Police Department made a statement on Thursday,
to the local media, that they expected between 10,000 to
15,000 to participate in the march. What a surprise they
received on Saturday! The LAPD is now reporting that over
500,000 participated but the true number is actually over
700,000., an organization with a lot of
experience in organizing mass marches and rallies, estimate
that over 1 million participated. The Aztlan Research
Institute, however, utilizing sophisticated crowd counting
methodologies, estimates a figure of over 700,000.

What does the immense success of "La Gran Marcha" mean
to Mexicanos and other Latinos? It simply means that we now
have the numbers, the political will and the organizational
skills to direct our own destinies and not be subservient to
the White and Jewish power structures. It means that we can
now undertake bigger and more significant mass actions to
achieve total political and economic liberation like that
being proposed by Juan José Gutiérrez, President of
Movimiento Latino USA. Juan José Gutiérrez is proposing that
the coalition that organized "La Gran Marcha" meet in
Arizona or Texas on April 8 to "organize a mass boycott
(huelga) against the economy of the USA" to take place on
May 5 or 19.

A major reason for the great success of "La Gran Marcha"
was the strong participation of labor unions and the
Catholic Church. This same alliance contributed to the
success of Lech Walesa's "Solidarity Movement" in the
Republic of Poland. This can be done in Aztlan as well. If
the racist "Sesenbrener Legislation" passes the US Senate,
there is no doubt that a massive civil disobedience movement
will emerge. Eventually labor union power can merge with the
immigrant civil rights and "Immigrant Sanctuary" movements
to enable us to either form a new political party or to do
heavy duty reforming of the existing Democratic Party. The
next and final steps would follow and that is to elect our
own governors of all the states within Aztlan.

[IMAGE] The great success of "La Gran Marcha"
also means that the time has come to organize and politicize
our great number of youths that are just festering in many
of our school districts. The walkouts in Los Angeles of
thousands of Mexican and Latino students from Huntington
Park, South Gate, Southeast, Jordan, Montebello, Garfield
and Roosevelt High Schools on Friday, one day before "La
Gran Marcha", only shows that they are now ready to be
mobilized and advised on how they can improve their
educations. Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, a Los
Angeles Unified School District victim himself before he
turned his life around, is already undertaking a bold moved
to wrestle control of the district from a Jewish dominated
school board and a White superintendent that are just
fleecing the schools of much needed funds. School board Jews
like Julie Korenstein, Marlene Canter, David Tokofsky, Jon
Lauritzen and Mike Lansing are just enriching themselves and
their cronies through crooked deals involving school
construction projects, and contracts with so called
consultants and vendors. The LAUSD is the second largest in
the nation, next to New York, with a multi-billion dollar
annual budget. It has an overwhelming Mexican and Latino
student population. Jews have their own private schools so
why are 5 Jews out of 7 school board members interested in
governing the school district? The answer is all too
obvious. La Voz de Aztlan has interviewed LAUSD teachers
that complained that they have to buy, with their own money,
pencils, paper and other school supplies that the district
should provide. Something has to done and Mayor Villaraigosa
is on the right track

We thank the many marchers for the sacrifice they made on Saturday. Many
came from as far as San Diego and San Francisco. They came in on buses,
trains, trucks, RV's , motorcycles and autos. Some came the night before
and slept in their vehicles. Entire families arrived from Fresno, San
Jose and Coachella. One family of eight included a grandmother, father,
mother, daughters, and sons. One section in the march consisted of at
least 20 on wheel chairs. They all came to Los Angeles and made history.
This great city will never be the same!

"Aqui estamos y no nos vamos y si nos devuelven. . . regresamos!"


* * * * * * * * * *
La Voz de Aztlan