Only 3 days remain for the MO Senate to vote and pass HB 167 (to end foreign language driver's exams)
May 11, 2011

The last time we alerted you, HB 167 had been approved by the Senate General Laws Committee after receiving a hearing. The Missouri state legislature has only 3 legislative days remaining in the 2011 session, so if HB 167 is to become law, the Senate MUST vote and pass the bill by midnight this Friday, May 13th!

As a reminder, HB 167 will simply require driver’s license written and skills/road tests to be administered in no languages other than English. The universal language of all U.S. roads and traffic signs is English and Missouri has been an official English state since 2008 when a statewide ballot question passed with 86% of the vote—talk about a mandate from the people! Despite all of this, Missouri continues to allow foreign language driver’s license exams, which are both unnecessary and dangerous.


As it currently stands, HB 167 has been placed on the “Informal Calendarâ€