From: "" <> Add to Address Book
Date: 2007/02/01 Thu AM 11:58:53 EST
Subject: [mm] SENATE COMMITTEE TO OPEN BORDERS, NOT SECURE THEM - Over 59,000 Faxes Sent Today

Over 59,000 Faxes sent to the Hill in the last 24 Hours

6501 Greenway Parkway Suite 103-640 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 :: Phone (520) 829-3112
Harry Reid (D-NV) Intentions clear:
Jump Start the Immigration Bill Reform Bill
(Keep sending faxes to make your voice heard)
Reid said Congress “should pass, and the President should sign, legislation to recognize the heritage of the United States as a nation of immigrants and to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to provide for more effective border and employment enforcement, to prevent illegal immigration, and to reform and rationalize avenues for legal immigration.”

It was interpreted as a signal by the Senate leader to the Democratic controlled Congress to reintroduce a bill similar to the comprehensive immigration reform bill that failed to win approval in the last Congress.

The resolution said that the President should also provide the avenues for legal immigration or ways for people illegally in the US to legalize their status.

THEY STILL DON'T GET IT—the VAST majority of Americans are OPPOSED to giving amnesty to illegal aliens, and support BORDER SECURITY FIRST.

Select Here to STOP Amnesty NOW and FAX all 535 Members of Congress!


The Minuteman Civil Defense Corps has increased efforts to defeat Senate Bill 9, the “Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007.” This bill seeks to create a roadmap for amnesty, rather than call for the strict enforcement of current immigration laws or provide funding for more border patrol agents and the construction of a security fence. Senate Bill 9 is sponsored by Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT), both of whom voted against the Secure Fence Act of 2006.

The smoke screens obscuring the open borders agenda, and the full-court press behind Senate Bill 9 by the Democrat-controlled Congress continue with the January 31, 2007 Judiciary Subcommittee hearing showcasing the Department of Homeland Security’s “US-VISIT” Program. Instead of hearing the case for strict enforcement of current immigration laws or the urgent need to provide funding for more border patrol agents and the construction of a security fence, the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology and Homeland Security will receive only one-sided testimony from members of the Bush administration who will support the President’s weak immigration policies, endorsed with the echoes of lobbyists representing the Essential Worker Immigration Coalition, an organization advocating open borders and amnesty.

Subcommittee Chairwoman Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s office says today’s hearing will “only focus on technological measures for ‘immigration and border security.’” And what constitutes “immigration and border security” priorities for the federal authorities from ICE/DHS who will be heard? According to the Department of Homeland Security’s website, the US-Visit Programs “protects the privacy of our visitors,” and seeks to “demonstrate that we remain a welcoming nation and that we can keep America’s doors open and our nation secure.”

The new Pro-Illegal Alien Congressional Leadership needs to hear from you –
Fax the newest Members of Congress and Say NO to Amnesty:

Select Here to STOP Amnesty NOW and FAX all 535 Members of Congress!

As I constantly remind the Congress: There is an urgent need to secure the border and it starts with building a fence, not laying out more “welcome mats,” and drawing legislative roadmaps and building “yellow-brick roads” to amnesty. Our broken borders are a national security breach of the first order—creating an enormous decline in public safety nationwide via illegal alien-perpetrated violent crime, gang felonies, identity theft, contraband running and sex trafficking.

Even while the U.S. Congress “authorized” and then neglected to fund a fence on the United States-Mexico border last year, the Minutemen continue to volunteer their time to build a security fence through private donations obtained from thousands of citizens nationally. The first 10 miles of phase one started on Memorial Day 2006 was completed Sunday January 28, 2007 and MCDC has already taken steps to build more highly effective and affordable demonstration fencing along the border, with the fiber optic mesh produced by FOMGuard, USA, also currently in use on U.S. military installations, the DMZ in Korea and the West Bank in Israel.

We are concerned that Senate Bill 9 creates a literal ‘freeway’ for amnesty but neglects to advocate for strict enforcement of current laws and the building of a fence. Therefore, we are continuing to organize efforts to increase pressure on Washington lawmakers so that the national security interests of our country are not jeopardized, like they were in 1986—the last time the Congress handed out a free pass to citizenship by permitting amnesty.

But if patriotic Americans don't take action—QUICKLY—the new Congress will STOP the border fence and vote for AMNESTY... as one of their VERY FIRST ACTS.

Unless WE stop them... so we're going directly to Capitol Hill to tell them to their faces—CONGRESS MUST DO ITS CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY TO SECURE OUR SOVEREIGN NATION.

And we can take YOU there with us -- without you having to leave home at all!

TAKE ACTION: The new bill that Congress wants to pass is even WORSE than the one we helped stop last year. According to the New York Times article, "The plan under consideration would allow 10 million or 11 million illegal immigrants to become eligible to apply for citizenship without returning home, up from 7 million in the original Senate bill."

So that's what we face: unless WE, THE PEOPLE make our voices hear LOUD AND CLEAR on Capitol Hill, we're facing AMNESTY for MILLIONS of illegal aliens, opening the floodgates for even MORE illegals to pour into this country.

We MUST show Congress that Americans do NOT support amnesty for illegals... and we've got a GREAT way to do that.

We're going to walk into EVERY SINGLE OFFICE of EVERY SINGLE CONGRESSMAN AND SENATOR, and hand-deliver tens of thousands of personalized letters from patriotic Americans across the country, all saying the same thing: NO AMNESTY!

They are already lying about what they intend to do—they are insisting in all their political rhetoric that “AMNESTY” doesn’t mean ‘AMNESTY.” WE KNOW BETTER, AS THEY WILL SOON LEARN WHEN TENS OF THOUSANDS of your Faxes arrive in THEIR OFFICES ON CAPITOL HILL!

To make YOUR voice hear LOUD AND CLEAR, we've set up our website so that you can send your Fax to EVERY SINGLE REPRESENTATIVE AND SENATOR in Washington, D.C.! They're going to be delivered directly to the office yes, to each and every legislative office on both sides of Capitol Hill.

You need to make sure YOUR faxes are delivered, too! Send YOUR fax TODAY to ALL 535 Congressmen and Senators, demanding that they secure our borders and say NO to amnesty:

The new Pro-Illegal Alien Congressional Leadership needs to hear from you –

Fax the newest Members of Congress and Say NO to Amnesty:Select Here to STOP Amnesty NOW and FAX all 535 Members of Congress!

NOTE: As always, you can also send a FREE message to your Congressman and Senators, demanding they secure our borders, enforce our laws and STOP amnesty for illegals.

Just go to ... 21&type=CO now (but remember, not all of the new legislators have e-mails set up yet).

We need to start make sure there are TENS OF THOUSANDS of personalized letters for our people to deliver to ALL of the incoming Congressmen next week, just as the new session gets into full swing. Be sure to send this Alert to EVERYONE you know who wants to help STOP amnesty for illegal aliens! Thank you!

Send YOUR blast faxes to ALL 535 of these Congressman NOW, demanding that they secure our borders and say NO to amnesty:

The new Pro-Illegal Alien Congressional Leadership needs to hear from you –
Fax the newest Members of Congress and Say NO to Amnesty:

Select Here to STOP Amnesty NOW and FAX all 535 Members of Congress!

Be sure to send this Alert to EVERYONE you know who wants to help STOP "guest worker" amnesty for illegal aliens! Thank you!

YOU can make a REAL DIFFERENCE. The politicians will talk, THEY WILL LIE, and claim “amnesty” doesn’t mean amnesty; the liberal media and the “Hate America” crowd will offer AMNESTY to law breakers. The Minutemen will ACT in defense of America!

Donate now to support the continued efforts of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps to get the government to do its Job!

Select HERE we need your financial help NOW! ... nhq/?a=100

Select HERE we need you to VOLUNTEER NOW! ... .php?a=100

For more information go to:

Border Watch:
Border Fence:


Chris Simcox, President
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps

Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, Inc.
6501 Greenway Parkway
Suite 103-640
Scottsdale, AZ 85254
Phone (520) 829-3112