Dick Armey Embraces Amnesty -- and Assaults Tancredo

Dear Friend,

On Friday I am going to have several new candidates to endorse--more patriots who deserve our support, but I wanted to update you on a recent development.

The Republican establishment has spent the last several months trying to capture the Tea Party movement. Their front man, former congressman Dick Armey, has been selling himself as the group's lead organizer. What a joke! Dick Armey is no more Tea Party material than my poodle.

Dick is nothing more than a "when in Rome" kind of guy--a go-to, establishment republican when he was in Washington, a big time corporate lobbyist when he left, and now a leader of the Tea Party regulars? Right!

And if you have any doubts, consider what he had to say about our Chairman Tom Tancredo this month.

In an interview with Charlie Rose, Armey said: "I tell you, I was for example not really happy to see Tom Tancredo calling himself a tea party guy." Why? Because of "his harsh and uncharitable and mean-spirited attitude on the immigration issue."

But Tom is a genuine hero of the Tea Party--he received three standing ovations when he spoke at their convention--the first one when he walked on stage. Why? Because, unlike Mr.Armey, Tom spent 10 years fighting for American workers and families when he was in Congress--and against Armey and buddies.

In a speech at the National Press Club, Armey actually condemned today's Republicans for their stand against illegal immigration. "Who in the Republican Party was the genius who said now that we have identified the fastest-growing demographic in America, let's go out and alienate them?"

Spoken like a true pandering politician!

He went on: "When I was Republican leader, I saw to it that Tom Tancredo could not get on a stage because I saw how destructive he was. Republicans have to get off this goofiness. Ronald Reagan said, 'Tear down this wall.' Tom Tancredo said 'Build that wall.' Who's right? America is not a nation that builds wall. America is a nation that opens doors, and we should be that."

Tom destructive! What audacity! Americans everywhere are paying royally for the cost of illegal immigration, so Dick's corporate buddies have access to cheap labor. And he has the gall--to criticize Tom when he fights for those Americans!

We shouldn't be too surprised. Armey showed his true colors long before this. In 2006, Armey referred to Tom Tancredo as the "cheerleader of jerkiness in the immigration debate." That was the year we stopped Congress from passing a massive amnesty from becoming law, thanks to Tom's invaluable leadership.

Tea Party regulars need to be warned--Dick Armey is a fraud. He may talk a good game about responsible government but I ask you: what is responsible about uncontrolled illegal immigration that steals American jobs, burdens our schools and hospitals, brings drugs and gangs into our communities and costs taxpayers dearly?

Friends, spread the word. We need to let Armey know that the Tea Party movement is about getting rid of open border, pro-amnesty establishment politicians like Dick Armey, not about embracing them. That's exactly what Team America is about . . . and with your help, we'll do just that!

I'll be in touch again later this week.

Warm regards,

Bay Buchanan

receivd by e-mail from
Bay Buchanan bay@teamamericapac.org
Wed, Mar 17, 2010 12:50 pm

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