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Time to Repeal Executive Order 13166!

Tell your congressman to co-sponsor Rep. Peter King's H.R. 1228 to revoke Executive Order 13166 today! Take Action!

August 24, 2010

Last week, the Department of Justice released a statement commemorating August as the 10th anniversary of former President Bill Clinton’s signing of Executive Order 13166, or Improving Access to Services for Persons with Limited English Proficiency. EO 13166 says that any entity which receives federal funds must provide whatever services it offers in any foreign language spoken by anyone likely to receive those services. ... t-930.html

Rep. Peter King (R-NY) has introduced a bill (H.R. 122 that will effectively revoke this executive order. H.R. 1228 provides that EO 13166 will have “no force or effect, and it will prohibit use of the funds for its purposes.â€