The article below is from Brian, a usborderwatch member.

It was my honour last evening to accompany Curtis "president of usborderwatch" to the John Birch Society meeting in Temple, Texas. Curtis gave an excellent speech to a crowd gathered for the JBS meeting. Additionally, local Field Coordinator, Mr. Ken Hoover, gave a succinct but extremely informative overview of the goals and mission of the John Birch Society. He reviews the Elites' plans for forming the North American Union, and inevitably, a one world government.

WE Texans are at ground zero of this ongoing effort to merge the United
States with Mexico and Canada, and all other countries, for that matter,
into this one world apparatus. The Texas/Mexico border, the Trans Texas
Corridor, the illegal alien invasion, and all the attendant ramifications
of this, are seen right here in Houston, across the state of Texas, and the
entire nation. Right here, right now, our future is being determined.

An excellent evening, and, of course, I caught it all on film. It is now
available for your viewing, and I hope you will enjoy both Mr. Hoover's
presentation and Curtis' speech, as well.

The playlist of videos (9 total) can be found here: ... E2A6DBAEFF