The families of the victims of September 11, 2001
Phone: (860) 927 3822 (71 948 4108 (570) 685 7054
9/11 Families for a Secure America

PO Box 120044 Staten Island, NY 10312

9/11 Families for a Secure America Newsletter
December 19, 2005

Members and Friends of 9/11 FSA:

It has been brought to our attention that a group that describes itself as having been “founded by� family members of 9/11 victims has published on its website false and misleading information about 9/11 Families for a Secure America.

That other group, “Sept 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows� claims that 9/11 FSA has supported “anti-immigrant� legislation.� This allegation by “Peaceful Tomorrows� is false and without any basis in fact. None of the legislation supported by 9/11 FSA is “anti-immigrant;� it is designed strictly to prevent terrorists like those who murdered our loved ones from illegally entering the US and perpetrating more mass murder.

Some facts:

1. Every member of 9/11 FSA is either a relative of a 9/11 victim or a survivor. 9/11 FSA was founded by 9/11families and remains solely controlled by family members. For example, over six hundred 911family members signed our letter to the US Senate in support of the REAL ID Act. In contrast, Peaceful Tomorrows alleges it was “founded by� but nothing more. There is little evidence that anything more than a handful of family members have ever been involved in that organization.

2. Every member of the 9/11 FSA Board of Directors is either the child or grandchild of legal immigrants to the United States. Not one of us would even think of supporting “anti-immigrant� legislation.

3. 9/11 FSA supported legislation such as the REAL ID Act which penalizes states for giving drivers’ licenses to illegal aliens and the unknown terrorists among them. This is the sort of legislation Peaceful Tomorrows calls anti-immigrant. Clearly, the fact that the 9/11 terrorists easily obtained at least 35 authentic, US issued licenses which they used in murdering our loved ones means nothing to the members of Peaceful Tomorrows. 9/11 FSA is proud that our members played a critical role in passage of the REAL ID Act and state bills that prohibit issuance to illegals and the terrorists among them.

The fact is, bills supported by 9/11 FSA affect only people who, like the terrorists of 9/11, were illegally in the United States, or present a threat to the security of Americans. These bills will not limit the rights of legal immigrants. That’s why over six hundred 9/11 family members signed our letter to the Senate and hundreds more have signed other letters of ours.

The Peaceful Tomorrows website also claims that these bills, with their provisions to restrict travel by terrorists, were not a part of the 9/11 Commission recommendations. Yet, just this week, the former Commissioners specifically and by name applauded the enactment of the REAL ID Act and stated that compliance by the states “needs to be closely monitored.� This makes a complete mockery of the Peaceful Tomorrows claims.

We are saddened that Peaceful Tomorrows would resort to such distortions. However, because that group is dependent for its funding on wealthy foundations such as the Tides Foundation which oppose any attempt to secure America’s borders, we understand they find it necessary to attack those 9/11 family members who are truly concerned about the need for effective action to forestall more terrorist attacks.

All 9/11 family members should understand that the open borders policies advocated by “Peaceful Tomorrows� will guarantee that Americans will NEVER have any truly peaceful tomorrows because terrorists will continue to be able to freely enter the U.S.

9/11 FSA opposes ONLY unrestricted, illegal entry to our country. We fully support LEGAL immigration and rights for LEGAL immigrants.


Peter Gadiel
9/11 Families for a Secure America