September 17th ACTION ALERT

FightPC and MINNSIR are calling upon all Patriots - NATIONWIDE
Please forward to other groups and organizations and those you can.

It is understood by all - that we must return the issue of illegal immigration
to the Presidential Debate

Therefore, we are asking and calling upon all Patriots to contact
Senator McCain with the following message or a message or your choosing
(see suggested comment below)

September 17th is Constitution Day and Citizenship Day
and this would be an appropriate day to once again raise our voices.
We will only be successful - if we united - Please participate.

Contact McCain at the following numbers.

In addition it would be beneficial to contact other political figures
with our message - such as Obama and your State Senators.

Presidential Office
John McCain 2008
P O Box 16118
Arlington, VA 22215

Senate Offices

Phoenix Office:
5353 North 16th Street
Suite 105
Phoenix, AZ 85016
Main: 602-952-2410
Fax: 602-952-8702

Tempe Office:
4703 South Lakeshore Drive
Suite 1
Tempe, AZ 85282
Main: 480-897-6289
Fax: 480-897-8389

Tucson Office:
407 West Congress Street
Suite 103
Tucson, AZ 85701
Main: 520-670-6334
Fax: 520-670-6637

Washington Office:
241 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Main: 202-224-2235
Fax: 202-228-2862


Stand up for Americans and Legal Immigrants in this country

and do not reward those who came here illegally with a pass

to stay in any capacity - no matter what you call it -

or you will not receive my vote.

The election of the future President of the United States

now rests in your hands.

Will you follow the platform laid out by your party or ignore it?

Enforce the laws and secure the border and end illegal immigration.


We demand your disassociation with Juan Fernandez and the La Raza group and any other special interest groups that do not support the American Citizens.

We demand complete enforcement and security of our northern and southern borders and our ports, which includes the 2-layer fence we were promised along with our military as well as the border patrol on the borders and at our ports, 24/7.

We demand an end to anchor babies immediately.

We demand an end to chain migration immediately.

We demand the continued raids of ICE with full support of everyone in our country in getting illegal aliens and their anchor babies to be removed from our country immediately.

We demand an official announcement that there will be NO MORE AMNESTY IN ANY FORM to illegal aliens in our country.

We demand that ENGLISH is made the official language of the United States of America.

We demand that the E-Verify Program is used and enforced by all businesses, small and/or large.

We demand the end to special visas for anyone until this country is cleaned of illegal aliens as well as all that have overstayed their visas.

We demand the end to sanctuary cities and any federal and/or state funds to these cities who have NO regard for the law.

We demand that federal funds are made available to all police and sheriff departments across our country so that they may work together to rid this country of all lawbreakers. They are ALL lawbreakers. 287(g)

We demand that illegals and anchor babies are removed from our schools and our hospitals.

We demand that no social services whatsoever are afforded anchor babies and/or illegal aliens.

We demand that any and all churches that harbor law breakers, be shut down and/or lose their tax exemption status.

UNITED WE STAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
