Why a Republican must beat Hillary Rodham Clinton in 2008
By JT Thompson | The Hillary Project

Whatever your position on the Republican nominees, I want to make sure that we don't lose sight of exactly why we want to win. So why exactly don't we want a Clinton presidency? Listed below are at least six reasons why we absolutely must prevent a second Clinton presidency.

1. Ending illegal immigration
2. Preventing a huge tax increase
3. Stopping government-run healthcare
4. Privatizing Social Security
5. Defending the Patriot Act and terrorist detention and interrogation
6. Winning the War against Jihadism and the War in Iraq

If Hillary Clinton is elected, the fence will not be built. If anyone of the 3 leading Republicans are elected, about 850 miles of fence will be built in addition to huge increases in border security guards, which will dramatically decrease illegal immigration that is causing more crime, poverty, and depressing wages.

If Hillary Clinton is elected, there is no reason to believe the Democrats will lose congress. Therefore it is almost impossible to imagine a scenario where there is not a massive tax increase to "replace" the PROJECTED revenues of the AMT. Of course for everyone but the very rich it will only be a tax increase since the AMT doesn't hit anyone else right now. You do not need to replace tax revenue that is currently not being collected, but Democrats will use the excuse and the need for universal healthcare to raise taxes, a lot.

Universal healthcare has been the Democrat's #1 issue for decades. With complete control of the government this will be their #1 priority. It would be foolish to assume they will repeat the same mistakes they did last time they had control of the government. No government decision could reduce American's life expectancies more than putting healthcare in the hands of the government. America has by far the highest cancer survival rates in the world, even with 15% of the country uninsured, and produces most of the medical innovation. Hillary Clinton will ruin healthcare for the other 85% by rehauling it into government bureaucracy rather than fixing the system for the 15%.

In it's current form, Social Security will require multiple massive, permanent tax increases over the next 40 years to stay solvent. But people could, conservatively, earn twice as much money over a lifetime through personal accounts, keeping the system solvent without a single tax increase. Not to mention, this is a golden opportunity to reduce the size and scope of government! We have never reduced the size of government and increased personal responsibility as much as privatizing all or most of the employee portion of Social Security taxes would.

The Clinton White House could unilaterally stop using important Patriot Act powers (the Patriot Act poses no threat to civil liberties, especially after it's revision, look it up yourself), effectively release hundreds of mass murder-complicit terrorist leaders through mandating public trials, and stop using tough interrogation techniques that have in large part kept us safe for 6 years. As someone who will probably be working in D.C., very possibly on Capitol Hill, during Clinton's presidency, I don't see this issue as hypothetical. It's personal.

Finally and most importantly, electing Hillary Clinton in the midst of a the War against Jihadism could very well be far more disastrous that even Jimmy Carter's presidency. Having a President that runs the war based on polls and relies on the support of MoveOn.Org cannot help but end in disaster. Troops will be withdrawn from Iraq to keep the far-left happy. Our war policy will be based on using just enough troops and force to prevent disaster rather than actually fighting this war to win it. A White House full of people who think that Global Warming is a greater threat than nuclear terrorism will not just be bad, it could lead to hundreds of thousands of innocent Americans dead. This would be the same exact crowd that refused to respond to terrorism in the years leading up to 9/11. And we are on the verge of putting them back in power!

So get off your butt on election day and vote for any one of the leading Republicans, imperfect as they are, on election day 2008 rather than doing your part in helping Hillary Clinton win the presidency and the Democrats take control of the government - and be proud of it! We all have a chance to do our part to defend our freedom from socialist government and defeat Jihadism. Don't pass it up.

http://www.hillaryproject.com/index.php ... n_in_2008/