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Mr. Liberman - Tear Down That Sign!
Protest - TV Station 62 KRCA, Burbank, CA [Report by an activist at the protest]

Mr. Liberman was invited to attend a May 1, 2005 rally staged in front of KRCA Channel 62. Mr. Liberman did not attend the event.

We support Mr. Liberman in his quest for freedom of speech. In the same spirit, citizens and legal residents assembled to petition Mr. Liberman to remove his insensitive billboards - divisive billboards which foment discrimination and discord.

Thanks to the publicity of the John and Ken Show KFI, we had a huge attendance at the protest rally!

Channel 2 KCBS, Channel 4 KNBC, Channel 7 KABC and KCAL 9 featured the protest on their evening news programs. The CNN Lou Dobbs filmed as well.

As the rally progressed, an Orange County man arrived - Francisco - with a bull horn. He gave a fiery speech! He stood on the planter in front of TV 62 and used it as a stage. Then, various ralliers took the bull horn and an "open mic" forum ensued.

We had an enthusiastic response from most passing motorists. The worst driveby was an ice cream cone - that was thrown at one of us. Sorry that happened to someone - I wish I could have taken the ice cream cone for you!

When the rally ended, a group of 15 of us headed to the nearest Los Angeles, Mexico billboard, on San Fernando Valley Blvd.

We had a young, strong man with "monkey climbing" skills in our midst. He had an American flag - donated by a rallier - to unfurl over the word "Mexico."

We drove in a caravan to the billboard on San Fernando Valley.

We learned that a billboard in Fullerton had been successfully draped with an American flag over the word Mexico [view photo of Fullerton billboard].

We had guys in trucks with ladders and rope with us. We got out of our vehicles and approached the sign, which is near the railroad tracks - where we planned to drape the American flag over the word Mexico.

As we assembled near the billboard, but soon two police officers approached our group and advised us against our assemblage. During this transition, a local man pulled up in his SUV and started to yell at one of our guys. VERY angry! The yelling guy did not like the shirt our rallier was wearing.

The officer made the yelling local guy get back in his vehicle and leave.

Though we did not unfurl the flag, the officers did allow us to post our signs beside the billboard.

See Rally Photos: