Corrupt Voter Registration
By: Bham · Section: Diaries

Saying that Democrat Christine Gregoire's 133 vote victory in the 2004 Washington gubernatorial race shows "the public interest weights strongly in favor of letting every eligible resident of Washington register and cast a vote," [sic] US District Court Judge Ricardo S. Martinez on August 1st struck down a state statute requiring that voter registration applications match a valid drivers license or social security registration. Local coverage here.

This lawsuit against the Washington Secretary of State had been brought by plaintiffs organized by the Brennan Center for Justice at the NYU Law School ( Overall, the plaintiffs list is comprised of the usual liberal Dem proxies, and seems obviously targeted to advance Dem political clout.

I've done independent data mining of Washington's registration database, with special attention to my own county (Whatcom) and, to make a long story short, concluded that the overall error rate in the "honest" counties is about one percent. There are about 3.4 million registrants in the whole state. I included in "errors" duplicates, deceased voters, and dubious non-residents. The error rate in King and Pierce counties -- Washington's most populous -- is even higher. As the Evergreen Freedom Foundation ( has documented, the voter fraud in those Dem strongholds is probably overt. EFF's county-by-county follow up of voting fraud prosecution was also very discouraging, with essentially nothing meaningful being done about these putative felonies.

As of this writing it isn't clear whether either the Washington Secretary of State or Attorney General (both nominally Republicans) intend to appeal this decision. If they do, it will have to go to the Ninth Circuit -- often termed the "Ninth Circus" -- arguably the most reliably liberal appellate court in the nation. That sure doesn't bode well.

If you combine motor-voter registration will negligible identity checking I contend you've got the makings of a corrupt election, before the first "vote" is cast.

Aug 3rd, 2006: 14:45:03