Man molested 12-year-old, police say
Posted on Fri, Mar. 14, 2008Digg AIM reprint print email
Miami Police are searching for a man accused of molesting a 12-year-old girl after a warrant was issued for the man's arrest.

Police said that Isaias Linares, 28, may be on the run and are asking for any tips that could lead to his capture.

After responding to a call from the girl's mother, police learned that the girl reported that Linares was sexually abusing the girl when the two were alone. When the mother confronted Linares, he fled and has not answered his cell phone or been seen at work since, according to police.

When he was last seen by the girl's mother, Linares was driving a white 1997 Chevrolet Suburban with darkly tinted windows. He is 5'8'' and weighs about 185 pounds. Police say the suspect is a Salvadoran native and an undocumented immigrant.

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