GOP candidates to Dems: Disavow boycott, 2 unions

PHOENIX - Five Republican candidates for statewide office and several congressional hopefuls called on their Democratic foes Tuesday to denounce a boycott of Arizona and the unions that support it.

Gov. Jan Brewer specifically referred to the unions as the "boycott cartel."

In virtually simultaneous news releases, the GOP candidates for governor, treasurer, attorney general, schools superintendent and mine inspector said their opponents should distance themselves from the United Food and Commercial Workers union and the Service Employees International Union that have urged organizations to move their conferences out of Arizona.

Several Republican congressional candidates, including Jesse Kelly, Paul Gosar and David Schweikert, also sent out nearly identical statements, hoping to capitalize on the popularity of Arizona's new immigration law and anti-union sentiment.

"It is coordinated, absolutely," said Brewer campaign spokesman Doug Cole.

"We are going to draw the contrast between our Republican ticket and the Democrat ticket who is supported by these two national unions that are trying to harm Arizona and Arizona families by boycotting," Cole said. "All those candidates ... need to renounce their (union) endorsements."

He said the Republicans will continue to hammer away at that theme until Election Day.

But not everyone involved was enthusiastic about the idea.

"I was hesitant to do it," state Mine Inspector Joe Hart told Capitol Media Services. "I didn't think I needed to stoop to that. But I darn sure don't need to support anybody that's boycotting Arizona."

Hart said it was part of being a "team player" for the Republican ticket.

Polls show that most Arizonans support SB 1070, the new immigration law. And the state has never been terribly friendly to unions. Arizona has a specific "right to work" provision in the state constitution banning "closed shops" where employment is contingent on membership in a union.

But Cole, whose candidate has been endorsed by the Arizona Police Association labor organization, insisted the effort is not anti-union. He said it's aimed only at national unions - and these two unions in particular.

Democratic gubernatorial hopeful Terry Goddard has no intention of rejecting any union endorsements, said his press aide Janey Pearl.

"He's proud of any organization that supports workers, which is more than she (Brewer) has done," Pearl said.

Goddard has publicly opposed calls for a boycott, Pearl added, and she called this just a diversionary tactic by Brewer.

"This is just another example of them being silly, twisting the truth around and try to focus away from the real issues," Pearl said. "Let's look at how she's going to create jobs, not just from the (federal) stimulus."

Pearl also pointed out that Brewer has so far refused to agree to participate in more than the one debate she is legally required to do by virtue of taking public funds for her campaign. That hour-long debate is set to air at 7 p.m. today on both KAET-TV and KUAT-TV.

Tom Horne, running for attorney general, called it "troubling" that his Democratic opponent, Felecia Rotellini, is supported by the United Food and Commercial Workers union Local 99, which gave her the maximum $4,176.

Horne was the only candidate to say Tuesday that an opponent specifically took campaign donations from either of the unions.

"I believe Ms. Rotellini, if she is serious about enforcing the law, should repudiate the support of any organization, including the UFCW that is targeting Arizona economically," Horne's statement read.

That brought a sharp retort from Dave Cieslak, Rotellini's campaign spokesman.

"Here's a better question: Will Tom Horne renounce this morning's endorsement from Andrew Thomas, who is under investigation by the FBI?" Cieslak said. That refers to Horne's own attacks on his now-defeated primary foe, whom Horne said was under scrutiny by the state bar and federal agents over whether he used his position as Maricopa County attorney to pursue political enemies.

"Tom should think twice about throwing stones after jumping into bed with the likes of Andy Thomas," Cieslak said.

Andrei Cherny, the Democrat running for state treasurer, said Republican Doug Ducey is in no position to question endorsements. Cherny said Ducey is being backed by organizers of a group that unsuccessfully challenged a 2007 law that allows the state to suspend or revoke the business licenses of companies that knowingly hire undocumented workers.

James McLaughlin, president of UFCW Local 99, said the hostility toward his organization is misplaced. He said the Arizona-based local - the group that has made campaign contributions and endorsed some candidates - has never asked people not to come to the state.

"It doesn't work that way," he said. "We live here."

McLaughlin said the Republicans have purposely chosen to ignore that the boycott calls came from the international union.

"These guys have never missed an opportunity to attack working families in this state," he said.

Scott Washburn, state director of Service Employees International Union, said the same situation exists with his union, with any decision not to meet in Arizona coming at the national level. ... 885da.html