It has become clear that the current Senate leadership and some Senate Republicans may be hearing impaired. They completely ignored the results of the November 2nd election by creating a pork fest with the Omnibus spending bill. It is very important that you call your Senator and ask them to oppose this Omnibus bill. The contact information is listed in a link below.

The Republican leadership is very strongly opposing this bill, but some Republicans are leaning toward supporting this bill and have even added earmarks to the bill. Please call Sen. McConnell and thank him for opposing this bill and encourage him to continue. I have listed the Republicans that are leaning toward supporting this bill below. If you are in their state, please call or visit their local offices and ask them to oppose the bill.

Republicans leaning toward supporting the Omnibus pork fest as reported by several news outlets: (Remind these Republicans the omnibus includes $1.25 billion to start implementing Obamacare and that if they voted against Obamacare, they cannot in good faith vote for the omnibus)

Richard C. Shelby of Alabama

Robert F. Bennett of Utah

Lisa Murkowski of Alaska

Thad Cochran of Mississippi

Susan Collins of Maine

Kit Bond of Missouri

Olympia Snowe of Maine

George Voinovich of Ohio

Sen. John McCain has indentified well over 6,488 earmarks worth 8 billion dollars in the Omnibus bill.

According to Fox News, "Sen. John McCain tweeted the top 10 earmarks in the spending bill, including $247,000 for virus free wine grapes in Washington State, $413,000 for peanut research in Alabama, $235,000 for noxious weed management in Nevada and $400,000 for solar parking canopies and plug-in electric stations in Kansas.

McCain expressed disbelief about the projects.

"Are we tone deaf? Are we stricken with amnesia?" he said, adding that voters made it clear in last month's midterm elections that they're tired of business as usual in Washington."

If these things are not enough to tell how bad the bill is, realize this: the FDA power grab bill is inserted into the omnibus bill.

That bill didn't pass before and needs to stand on its own.

Again, those GOPers that voted against the FDA bill cannot in good faith vote for this spending bill.

Senators Tom Coburn and Jim DeMint are expected to make the Clerk of the Senate read the 1,924 page bill before a vote is taken.

Please call and thank Coburn and DeMint and encourage them to do so.

Congressional Contacts:

Earmark Database

If you are in one of these states, please make sure you let these Democrat Senators know we appreciate that they are leaning to a NO vote and ask them to hold very firm:

Claire McCaskill (MO)

Evan Bayh (IN)

Russ Feingold (WI)