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Outsourcing America

By Glen McAdoo
February 20, 2006

In one of the most astonishing revelations of the year, it has been disclosed that the U.S. Commission on Foreign Investment, which is part of the Treasury Department headed by Secretary of the Treasury John Snow, has approved a deal allowing D P World of Dubai, owned and operated by the government of the United Arab Emirates, to purchase the company now in control of the ports of New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New Jersey, Miami and New Orleans. The move effectively outsources the security at these ports to a member of the United Arab Emirates.

It’s unbelievable that the White House is standing by the decision of the secretary, but it has only been a few days since the revelation. Speculation is that George W. Bush, as loyal to his cronies as any president in recent history, will cave to pressure from an outraged Congress and rescind the deal.

Dubai is a Muslim country that refuses to recognize Israel and recognized the Taliban as the government in Afghanistan. At the same time we are at war with the terrorists, we are outsourcing the security of some of our most important ports to a country that aligned itself with the Taliban.

What are earth could this administration be thinking? Even Mike Brown, the former head of FEMA, would not have made that decision. Well, maybe he would in the case of the Port of New Orleans. I don’t think Brownie cares for the folks down there.

What is our government doing allowing the outsourcing of jobs in the first place, when they are in a position to easily prevent it? Please don’t tell me that there are no Americans willing to take jobs controlling our ports.
It’s Feb. 19 and hopefully President Bush will have put a stop to this madness before this column is printed. The fact that he allowed the decision to stand for even a second is mind boggling. Still, we can only imagine what might be next. Will we hire Mexican drug cartels to protect our border with Mexico? Or perhaps we will just contract with illegal immigrants to do the job. They could keep themselves from crossing our borders. What a novel approach.

I wonder if we will contract out the war in Iraq to the Iranians? They never liked Hussein. They would probably take the job in a New York minute. Maybe we’ll contract out the entire war on terrorists. The Palestinians could be persuaded to take the job. Their unemployment rate is staggering.

We might as well go whole hog, while we are at it, and turn over airport security to Hamas. “This is your pilot speaking, thank you for flying Fifty-Seven Virgins Airlines. Today we will be flying at 40 thousand feet, give or take, until we near our destination, which will either be the Seattle Space Needle, or any tall building in the vicinity. Have a nice day and enjoy your flight.â€