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    Senior Member Darlene's Avatar
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    Did Americans see what REALLY happened?

    Did Americans see what REALLY happened?

    By S. J. Miller

    Most Americans saw video footage of mass protests, demanding "rights" for illegal aliens in major cities like Chicago, Atlanta, Phoenix and Los Angeles. From 12,000 in Phoenix to 500,000 in Los Angeles, illegal aliens converged and put centers of major cities into gridlock for hours.

    Americans were shocked to see law and order defied, with the consent and even encouragement of local officials and the police. But did they really see what was happening? Probably not!

    Americans didn't see what they don't know what to look for. Despite the touchy-feely, "we're all the same under the skin" human-rights rhetoric, Mexicans and third-world Latin American politics are much different than in the US, and not what Americans want here. While their distateful political habits and behavior are increasingly common in the US, Americans must recognize the tactics when they move from El Salvador or Mexico City to Kansas City or Atlanta.

    To be blunt and politically incorrect, recognize third-world behavior as well as its source. when it appears in our back yards.

    Mass Protests don't "just happen"
    Despite what illegal alien advocates and their pandering politicians and media would have you believe, these mass protests weren't spontaneous gatherings prompted by mass emotional support for illegal aliens. Such operations require planning, time and most of all $$$$$$$$$. Big money. Luckily, the "illegal alien rights" movement has plenty of everything.

    While benevolent-appearing entities like the Catholic Church, the Presbyterians, Episcopalians, Methodists and Quakers ("Friends") ally with ethnic groups like LULAC, MALDEF, National Council of LaRaza, Humane Borders, No More Deaths, present a sympathy-generating and politically correct "front," don't be fooled.

    Use the same strategy the FBI uses to identify terrorists: Follow the money.

    These groups receive their primary money from two sources: foreign governments (like Mexico) and wealthy open-borders groups like the Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, US Chamber of Commerce and the like.

    100,000 illegal aliens didn't converge on Chicago and shut down the Loop at afternoon rush hour by depending on the Chicago Transit Authority busses and the El Trains. They came from 8 surrounding states, and were moved there with the express purpose of protesting. The fleet of busses needed would put Ray Nagin's New Orleans school busses to shame.

    Those of us old enough to recall the anti-Vietnam War protests and civil rights marches of the 1960s era learned that organizations prepared these operations months in advance to deposit thousands of bodies in to demonstrate. While the 30s and 40s age group are too young to remember, we're available to educate them.

    Immediately after the passage of HR 4437 last December, Mexico and other countries whose economies depend on illegal alien wage remittances were planning to counteract Americans' demands of Congress for tough immigration law enforcement and elimination of illegal immigration. On Valentine's Day, foreign ministers of Mexico, Colombia, Panama and El Salvador flew to Washington to meet with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and voice alarm over the bill. (2)

    It's both appalling and hypocritical that these countries so blatantly and arrogantly interfere with the American democratic process, particularly in view of Mexico's strict laws against foreigners' involvement or even commenting on Mexican internal affairs. In "Mexico's Undiplomatic Diplomats," Heather MacDonald comments on Mexico's hypocrisy:

    "Mexican officials here and abroad are involved in a massive and almost daily interference in American sovereignty. The dozens of illegals milling in the consulate’s courtyard as Velázquez-Suárez speaks, and the millions more radiating outward from Los Angeles across the country, are not a naturally occurring phenomenon, like the tides. They are there thanks in part to Mexico’s efforts to get them into the U.S. in violation of American law, and to normalize their status once here in violation of the popular will.

    Mexican consulates are engineering a backdoor amnesty for their illegal migrants and trying to discredit American immigration enforcement—activities clearly beyond diplomatic bounds.

    Mexico’s governing class is not content simply to unload the victims of its failed policies on the U.S., however. It also tries to ensure that migrants retain allegiance to La Patria, so as to preserve the $16 billion in remittances that they send to Mexico each year. Mexican leaders have thus tasked their nation’s U.S. consulates with spreading Mexican culture into American schools and communities. Given the American public’s swelling anger about illegal immigration, it’s past time for Washington to tell Mexico to cease interfering and for the Bush administration to start enforcing the law." (3)

    MacDonald's comments only validate what Americans see every day - Mexican consulates issuing their government's fraudulent matricula consular cards to their illegal aiens, and then urging state and local government to accept these cards as "identification." Mexican interests commonly lobby state and federal legislatures to pass laws favorable to their illegal aliens. Mexico won't tolerate such interference in their internal affairs.

    But as usual, our wrath should be directed at American politicians who allow foreign governments to interfere. US laws against foreign political contributions are easily evaded, particularly since McCain-Feingold campaign legislation.

    Violence and intimidation is part of "south of the border" politics.
    Political change in Mexico requires mass protests and often violence. There's no history of peaceful change there, and every Mexican knows it. Nowhere is there a better example of "might makes right." "Taking to the streets" is their first resort, not the last resort as has been true in America. We all recall the stories of angry campesinos (farmers) who rode horseback into the Mexican Senate immediately after the passage of NAFTA put them out of business.

    The recent success of former Mexican braceros in collecting from their government their long-overdue wages earned during the 1942-1962 work in the US required them to mob the private ranch of President Vicente Fox. Hypocritically, Fox was so angry that he spoke of prosecuting these Mexicans for criminal trespassing to protect his private property rights. The San Diego Union Tribune story bluntly told what led to success: "the bitter product of years of angry, sometimes violent protests, on both sides of the border demanding that the former workers get what's owed them." (1)

    Although hushed up for years, news stories of kidnappings and murders in Mexico routinely appear in newspapers. Such violence is rife not only in border towns, but throughout Mexico.

    Avoiding violence is the primary motive for Mexican government officials to grant popular demands. We all recognize that avoiding such violence is a strong motive for Mexico's ruling class to promote illegal immigration to the US - unemployed Mexican workers aren't in Mexico to protest and riot, and their US wages return to bolster the Mexican economy.

    Americans who think this Mexican "custom" hasn't entered the US should "get a clue" and fast. Last Wednesday, I attended a Town Hall held by my Congressman (J.D. Hayworth of Arizona) for his constituents. The topic of illegal immigration was addressed, and Congressman Hayworth openly opposed the current "guest worker amnesty" legislation being debated in the Senate Judiciary Committee.

    A Mexican stood and told everyone of the need for Americans to "show compassion" to illegal aliens in the demands for amnesty. When he saw that the audience wasn't buying his sales pitch, he switched his tactic to threats of violence and intimidation by warning of the "tension" in the US caused by American opposition to illegal alien amnesty, and said that it could produce violence.

    While most citizens present didn't pick up on his threat, Congressman Hayworth wasn't fooled for a minute. "J.D." quickly told the man in no uncertain terms that Americans would not be threatened or intimidated into granting illegal aliens amnesty, and the citizens' loud applause showed that the "Mexican" tactic had backfired.

    My reference to the man as "Mexican" is recognition of his national loyalty and the agenda he follows, not his citizenship. He may well have been a native-born US citizen. Congressman Jim Kolbe of Arizona is another that I'd call a Mexican - where he was born is totally counter to his loyalty and the agenda he promotes.

    Wolves in "multicultural" clothing.
    Many educational bureaucrats promote the Mexican/illegal alien agenda as ardently as the businesses who profit from dirt-cheap wages that fatten corporate wallets.

    As with greedy, cheap-labor corporations and pandering non-profit groups, educational bureaucrats are adept at ignoring the huge public costs and negative impact generated by illegal immigration.

    Do these supposedly well-educated people approve of the violence and intimidation that the illegal alien influence has added to the American political process?

    Brenda Dean, Assistant Director of Hamblen County (TN) Schools recently commented of the effect of huge numbers of illegal aliens in their schools, burdening the local taxpayers: "I think that cultural diversity adds to the richness of our community," says Dean. Does that include the violence, intimidation and corruption brought to the US political process by people who demonstrate contempt for law and order? I'm sure Ms. Dean would tap-dance around the question and evade the issue with five-dollar educational words, as such people are so adept at doing.

    Give me an airsick bag.


    (1) Allen Wall, Memo From Mexico, Vicente Fox & the Braceros: Hypocrisy & Fraud,, March 23 2004,

    (1) Migrant Pay Decades Late - Mexico to compensate for long-forgotten fund, San Diego Union Tribune, January 3 2006, ... ceros.html

    (2) Protests over immigration bill, Newsday, February 23 2006, ... -headlines

    (3) Heather MacDonald, Mexico's Undiplomatic Diplomats, The City Journal, Autumn 2006

    (4) Senator: Newspaper 'Crossed Line', WXIA News, March 23 2006, ... ryid=77664

    (5) Hamblen politician critical of spending on education for immigrants, WBIR News, October 10 2005,

    ~ About the author ~

    S. J. Miller is a former veteran of the IT industry who sought another career rather than "follow the jobs" abroad, and a lifelong resident of border states, California, Texas, Arizona, and Nevada.

    (c) S. J. Miller, 2006. All Rights Reserved

    "Published originally at republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact."

    The S. J. Miller Archive on The Federal Observer

    Reader Comments:

    On 2006-03-29 10:06:23, Albert T. Gentile, Jr. . wrote:

    Don Hedges misidentifies the problem. I heard someone say “If voting made a difference they’d have outlawed it a long time ago.” “We” don’t rule here. The elite of money and power rule here. And they will get their way no matter how “we” vote. “Let the people THINK they govern,” said William Penn in 1693, “and they will be governed.” In other words “let the people believe a lie and they will be manageable.” If it is in their interest that “we” believe the lie, it is in our interest not to.


    On 2006-03-29 09:58:05, Susan Robbins wrote:

    They can organize and threaten in mass here so why not return home and do their protesting there.


    On 2006-03-29 09:09:41, Don Hedges wrote:

    This article is most certainly true: My response is that the situation will continue becausse Americans don't realize they have the power to control our borders at once!! That power is your vote!! Don't be bound by your allegience to one party! You are not being represented so vote these people out of office: Democrat or Republican.Otherwise just be content with the status quo. Don Hedges


    On 2006-03-28 23:36:30, Rick Forman wrote:

    Sandra, once again an excellent article!

    It's all about money and corruption at the highest levels.

    Coincidence that Fox makes announcement the same time immigration debate opens in the Senate?

    Mexico has discovered a huge new oil reserve that will increase its production capacity by nearly 50 percent, President Vicente Fox said Monday night -explaining that he intends to discuss how he'll use his new oil bonanza when he meets with President Bush in two weeks.


    On 2006-03-28 17:18:31, Belle wrote:

    You ask why foreign politians interfere with American (USA) politics, well ask yourself this question, why is it that when USA is in need of emergency aid, such as medical, or for example Katrina rescue efforts; what countries offered an extensive aid of medical supplies and food immediately? Mexico was one... You forget that USA cannot help itself on it's own. Can you imagine what this country would be like if no one would help us? Do you actually believe USA does it on it's own? I don't.


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  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Dallas, TX
    I am a Friend (Quaker) and growing up we are taught to respect and be tolerant of everyone. We are taught that there are two enemies to fight in this world satan and poverty. I am expressing my disconsent with the Mid America Yearly Meeting (MAYM) for supporting illegal immigration and hoping that as a once prominent young leader they will at least listen to my words and deliberate on this issue. Of course they won't do this until august-september.

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