From the Lonewacko Blog

Michael Wishnie compares immigration laws to Jim Crow laws (Yale professor)

Michael Wishnie is a law professor at Yale University who was involved in various aspects of New Haven's program to give city ID cards to illegal aliens; he was a colleague of former Yale Law Dean Harold Koh.

A couple days ago Wishnie gave a talk ( where he made the following shocking comments:

"The Obama Administration seems to prefer increased enforcement even over the record levels of the Bush Administration. I have no idea personally whether this a political strategy to show that they are tough on immigration reform so that when a bill comes up in Congress they can cut a deal or whether they think this is the appropriate level of enforcement of the law. To me, it’s a little backward. I think we are in the dying days of a set of laws that will be come to be seen as something like Jim Crow laws. I think in a generation or two we will look back and say ‘wait we had a system of law that de jure subjugated millions of people, left people unable to come to their children’s schools, fearful that on any day when they left home and said bye they might not come home because they could be arrested at any time in any place. That we as a nation tolerated that for millions of families.’ I see that as shameful"

The difference, of course, is that the "subjugation" is something illegal aliens have brought upon themselves voluntarily. And, there's an easy remedy: returning to their home countries. The only way those who come or stay here illegally won't be "subjugated" is if we have open borders. If Wishny opposes that "subjugation" he has either two choices: open borders, or stringent enforcement of our immigration laws. If he's advocating for the former, then he should explicitly say that. He's obviously not advocating for the latter, so what exactly he's thinking of isn't clear. Is he incapable of figuring out the only two choices he has to prevent "subjugation"? Can he figure that out, but he's just trying to fool people? It shouldn't be that difficult for those in the area to go ask him at one of his public appearances what exactly he supports and what exactly he's capable of figuring out. ... -laws-yale

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