Immigrants Rally In Olympia; Worried About Cuts

By Richard Thompson
KIRO 7 Eyewitness News
February 9, 2011
OLYMPIA, Washington

Hundreds of legal and illegal workers rallied at the state Capitol on Wednesday and said they were worried of the setbacks they may face as lawmakers look for ways to fix the state's massive budget shortfall.

The group marched on Olympia and chanted, "We are immigrants; we are taxpayers."

Some in the group carried signs that read, "Drivers licenses for all," in reference to a bill that would stop illegal immigrants from being able to get licensed.

One man, who asked to not be named or have his face shown, said he would still need to drive to work, but would no longer be able to get insurance.

"I would have to drive and I would endanger myself and others because if I got in a car accident with someone, I wouldn't have the money to pay them off," the man said.

Other worries for the group include a proposal in the legislature to de-fund a program that provides free legal counsel to immigrants who are trying to become citizens, and the proposed de-funding of the Apple Health for Kids program, which could affect 27,000 kids.

Alejandra Herrera said that her son, Jose, will be one of the children affected if the program is cut.

"It would really affect their family especially because of him," an interpreter said on Herrera's behalf. "He's having issues speaking and being able to feed him, and just helping him with his services is really needed in the family."

Lawmakers spoke to the group, and said they understood their concerns and acknowledged that many immigrants are making some contributions in the state. None of them though made any promises about preserving programs, however.

People in the group said they were worried about falling through the cracks during tough economic times.

"I feel very disappointed because, who's going to advocate for us?" said Alberto Yaquel, a member of the group.