Pro-Amnesty Larry Craig Gets an Earful on Immigration from Voters

by Amanda B. Carpenter — 07-06-2006 @ 04:21 PM Reader Comments (7)

"Get them out!"

That's the refrain angry constituents yelled at Sen. Larry Craig (R.-Idaho) for his legislation that would allow immigrants who have worked illegally in agricutural business for at least three years to stay as legal temporary workers.

Roughly 70 people convened at a townhall meeting at Albertson College of Idaho today and immigration concerns overrode discussions on the war in Iraq and other issues sensitive to Idaho. An AP report from Caldwell, Idaho said Craig told them, "I don't disagree with your anger and frustration," but continued to try to get support for a guest worker program anyway.

Some audience members decried that U.S. citizens were losing their jobs to illegal workers. To those constituents Craig illogically countered "That's why we need a legal work force"--as if a legal class of temporary workers working for less than American workers would somehow save American jobs.