3 suspected drug mules killed in Santa Cruz County

The Associated Press
Tuesday, November 22, 2011 10:36 am

NOGALES — Investigators recovered the bodies of three suspected drug mules discovered in the Tumacacori Mountains in Santa Cruz County.

Border Patrol agents found the bodies in the remote Devil’s Canyon area Monday and notified the Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Office, the Nogales International reports.

Sheriff Tony Estrada describes the killings as execution style with the killer or killers was trying to send a message to someone. He said the bodies did not have any signs of being bound, gagged or otherwise tortured.

There were no identification documents on the bodies, which were found 4 miles west of Interstate 19, in a remote and extremely treacherous area. The bodies had been there no more than a week.

Estrada says he suspects the killings were drug related.

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