One Old Vet -
The Opinions and World View of One Old Veteran

Reconquista Congressman Backdoors Pro-Illegal Legislation

One of the most despicable and sorry act by a Congressman that I have seen in the last 60 years is H.R. 2593: Borderlands Conservation and Security Act of 200,7 proposed by Raul Grijalva, (D) Arizona.

Raul Grijalva represents the Seventh District of Arizona, which stretches from Hispanic suburbs near Phoenix southeast to the Hispanic suburbs of Tucson, then south to the Mexican border adjacent to Nogales and west 275 miles along this international frontier to the California border at Yuma. This district, whose makeup is nearly 51 percent Latino and more than five percent Native American, was gerrymandered in 2002 to produce Arizona’s second Hispanic representative in Congress. In 2000 the region now bounded by this district cast 58 percent of its votes for Al Gore.

Raul Grijalva was born in Tucson in 1948 and has spent his life there. He graduated from the University of Arizona in 1985 and, according to journalist Michelle Malkin, has been an “unapologetic Mechista,â€