Boise State is too great for hate and sedition
Guest Opinion
Posted: 9/21/06
If you have recently wandered into the Cultural Center, you probably saw a calendar for Latino heritage month advertising a politicized event about immigration called "Rights on the Line, Vigilantes at the Border" about Minutemen on the United States/Mexican border. But what you will not find on the calendar is a presentation on the new movement of Latino racism known as "La Raza" or "MEChA." As a second-generation American, this movement disgusts me.

Organizations like MEChA support a blatantly racist agenda and should be banned from our campus.

MEChA's motto is "Por La Raza todo. Fuera de La Raza nada," which means, "for the race everything; for everyone outside the race, nothing."
MEChA followers like to euphemize the word "raza," which in reality means "race."

Last Spring a racist "mechista" tried to convince sympathizers that "raza" means "family." That is a blatant lie! I speak fluent Spanish and assure you it does not mean "family"- not in any context.

The only Spanish word for family is "familia." But, let's say hypothetically that it did mean "family"- even though it does not - how much better would this be? "For my family everything; for everyone outside my family, nothing." Sounds extremely intolerant, discriminatory and hateful to me regardless!

Furthermore, let me remind everyone what MEChA stands for: Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán, which means, "Mexican-American Student Movement of Aztlan."

What is Aztlán? It literally means "place of origin" referring to "lost Mexican territories," now the southwestern United States.

The MEChA national constitution lauds a "bronze continent" and contains conquistador-esque propaganda such as this: "Chicano and Chicana students of Aztlán must take upon themselves the responsibilities to promote Chicano-ism within the community, politicizing our race with an emphasis on indigenous consciousness to continue the struggle for the self-determination of the Chicano people for the purpose of liberating Aztlán."

Their main goal and purpose is to conquer or "reclaim" the southwestern United States, which they term "Aztlan."

Their logo is an Eagle holding a machete and a stick of dynamite.
These anti-American activists live with the fantasy that they are racially discriminated against while completely dismissing the possibility that it is their racially charged doctrine and conquest that is inciting defensive retaliation.

Their ideologies are iterated in another document known as "El Plan de Aztlan," in which Caucasians are referred to by extremely derogatory terms, such as "gabacho" and "gringo."

MEChA has been linked to various hate crimes over the years, including a 1993 riot at UCLA in response to the rejection of a proposed Department of Chicano Studies, damages exceeded $500,000.

They have also been involved in the banning of American flags in some California schools and counties.

So who funds this disgraceful organization?
Well, you do.

A portion of your student fees is allotted to student organizations such as MEChA through student government, the Cultural Center and campus "diversity" boards.

Other universities have rightfully stood up to these racists and booted them off campus.

Let's celebrate Latino heritage month by doing the same.