
Dear President Bush,

Your hatred for the hard working American was emphasized by announcing the extermination of the American truck driver on Labor Day. Your cruelty to Americans is astounding. Truckers will die on the same heap as high tech workers, restaurant workers, construction workers, service workers, manufacturing workers, etc. etc. etc. etc. All jobs that Americans are not allowed to do.

This was brought to your attention at a press conference where you gave your rendition of let them eat cake. Your response was chilling.

Your compassionate conservative bumper sticker was brilliant marketing for a person whose agenda has proven to be no compassion for American Citizens. You have allowed the Country to be invaded. You have suspended the rule of law for invaders. You have conspired with greedy International and National Corporation to destroy the American worker. You favor foreigners over Americans.
Elaine Chao, Secretary of Labor
“ HB-1 and AE-3 workers may be hired even when a qualified US worker wants the job. And a US worker can be displaced from a job in favor of a foreign worker.â€