Our American Dream: From Juvie Hall to Nevada's First Latina Assemblywoman
By Junior Reporter Pete Griffin

Published February 21, 2011
Comments 78

Across the United States, in all fields of endeavor, Latinos are working to uphold their place in American society. Fox News Latino is proud to present "Our American Dream" – a series of snapshots and profiles of Latino success stories.

Lucy Flores' future didn't look too bright at the age of 13. A high-speed chase with the police after stealing a car landed her in juvenile hall for a 9-month sentence.

"I started getting into trouble when I was 12," said Flores. "I remember getting parole when I was 15 and getting off when I was 16. It was a very quick succession into crime."

18 years later, she is Nevada's first Latina assemblywoman.

"When I was sent on a bus shackled, going to the long-term juvenile detention facility, there's absolutely no way I imagined I'd be a part of the (Nevada) state legislature," said Flores.

Our American Dream: The Latino Behind the Xbox and the PorscheHer road to the Nevada state assembly was by no means conventional. Growing up, her father was rarely home because of his job as a landscaper. Flores’ mother left the family when she was 9 because she wasn’t ready to raise a family.

“She just decided…kids weren’t for her,â€