Study reveals only 32 miles of Canadian border secured

Posted on February 8, 2011 at 8:31 AM

WASHINGTON-- A new study revealed the Canadian border is highly vulnerable for people to illegally cross in the United States.

Experts said the large expanse of land and limited law enforcement makes it an attractive entry point into the country.

The Department of Homeland Security said there is also a higher risk of terrorism threats along the U.S. and Canada border because of the limited law enforcement resources, much unlike the Mexico border.

The Accountability Office conducted the study and found the border patrol is only aware of illegal crossing on just 25% of the border. Of that 25%, the border patrol can only make immediate arrests for those illegally crossing on just 1% of the border. That accounts for about 32 miles out of the 4,000 mile long border.

The study recommended more oversight by the Department of Home Land Security along the border and stronger interagency coordination.

Those living near the border tell KREM 2 News the new report doesn’t seem to be of much concern.

“They have a good patrol here. They pretty much pay attention I think. I talk to some of the people once in a while and they tell me what goes on and so on,â€