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John McCain Insults Michigan with Offshore Outsourcing Ousted CEO Carly Fiorina
January 14th, 2008

"There is no job that is America’s God-given right anymore"
- Carly Fiorina, Jan. 7, 2004, CEO Hewlett-Packard

McCain Shoves Outsourcing Corporate Agenda Down Michigan's throat

John McCain has one hell of a rude attitude toward Michigan. McCain is campaigning with Ms. No American has a God given right to a Job ex-CEO of Hewlett Packard Carly Fiorina. Fiorina promoted offshore outsourcing, fired people right and left, turned Hewlett Packard into a shadow of it’s former glory right in the middle of the last economic recession.

Turn to today, Michigan has been decimated by offshore outsourcing, insourcing, insane trade agreements and CEOs who obtain obscene amounts of money for running their companies into the ground, making bad mergers and laying off their workers. So, what does McCain do? Try to sell them on the corporate agenda claiming it’s tough talk. No McCain, it’s the corporate agenda and not policies for the interests of workers, Michigan or the United States of America.

No Corporate Agenda as the Economic Agenda

If it isn’t insulting enough to see a Politician campaign with one of the shining examples of what is wrong with the United States economy - greedy, power driven, short sighted CEOs who have no loyalty to America, their companies or their workers, we get additional propaganda claiming destroying companies right and left is needed to remain competitive.

(Could it be to remain competitive might mean to not trash the jobs and industries which made America great in the first place?)

John McCain - Some candidates say they know all the answers. As president, I’ll call on people like Carly

To show his intent, McCain hands Fiorina the microphone to answer a voter’s question on home mortage financial crisis caused by predatory lenders. Fiorina’s response while mumbling a few token phrases on shaky new financial “vehiclesâ€