I've been doing some thinking about what I would do if I were in Congress to create COMPREHENSIVE Immigration Reform. How would I deal with the 12-15 million illegal aliens already here, and take the necessary steps to secure our borders, and stop the flood of those coming here illegally? Here are some of the I would propose if I could submit a comprehensive immigration bill:

1. Secure our Southern Border through a comprehensive physical sequence of structures including a 40 foot tall by 30 wide wall with a two lane road and quard towers on the top of it for ease in moving military troops and border patrol in a rapid fashion to needed spots on our border with Mexico. Office space, barracks and prisoner holding areas could be build into the wall so that it could serve a multi-purpose along our border with Mexico. Thirty and sixty yards out from this wall I would have 18 foot tall solid steel fencing with splice barb wire tops that were electrified. Lighting, camera's and drones would complete this physical structure deterent.

2. Troop and Border Patrol Enforcement. Our government with the use of our tax dollars has paid for and is in the process of building a world class border security system in Iraq that includes border patrol troop stength of 28,000 for a country with a population 1/10th the size of the United States of America. I would therefore through use of military soldiers and border patrol agents increase troop stength along our two borders to 300,000 troops with 200,000 of those troops permanently stationed along our Southern Border with Mexico. These troops would have orders freeing them up to use whatever force is necessary to secure our borders from those attempting to make and illegal entry, regardless of their reasons for doing so.

3. Interior Enforcement-For starters, in the name of National Security, I would enact legislation ordering all agencies of the Federal Government to share information. The Social Security and Internal Revenue services know who is using fake ID's, know many millions of those who are now here illegally, but under the guise of a right to privacy refuse to share this information so that those working here illegally, and those hiring them can be apprehended, convicted, fined and imprisoned where necessary. The magnet for these illegal aliens needs shut down, and to do this, a new agency of Employment Enforcement would be created with a staff of 100,000 employees who sole job would be to track down, arrest and prosecute those who HIRE ILLEGALS. A minimum fine of $25,000 per illegal employee and 18 months in federal prison for a first offense would be handed down, with no opportunity for a plea bargain allowed. A second offense by a company employing more than five workers including the company owner(s) would result in a minimum ten year prison sentence, and seizure of all company assets.

All those here who are found to be working illegally, and who are or have been using false documents will be imprisoned for a period of five years and then deported to their home countries with no chance of ever coming back to America.

Anchor baby status would be eliminated, and replace with a law that would allow those born here to apply for US citizenship at the age of 21, but all illegal aliens, and their children would be deported back to their home countries so that families are kept together.

Any one found to be here illegally would be instantly deported without any court proceedings...a six month grace period after passage of the law would be granted so that illegals would have time to get their affairs in order and depart the country without fear of prosecution or penalty should they at a later date decide to apply for legal immigration to this country.

Illegals would no longer be able to access any and all public services, including emergency medical treatment, or access to our public school systems for them, and their children. A legal ID would have to be submitted by the person, or their parents to recieve services, and any private or church organizations and the indivuduals working for them who provides services to illegal aliens will be subject to not less than 18 months civil confinement, and a $25,000 fine.

Federal laws will be enacted to eliminate safe harbor communities and local laws and ordinances enacted to protect illegal aliens. Furthermore, all law enforcement agencies on a local, state and federal level will be require to ascertain the legal status of any one stopped for any infraction of the law, and further be required to detain for deportation any one found to be here illegally.

A bounty program will be created that pays a bounty of $5,000 for each illegal alien detained and deported to their country of origin. This bounty will be paid with the additional taxes collected when American wages cease to be depressed, and remittances stop flowing from our nation.

All remittances sent to foreign lands will be subject to a 100 percent departure tax.

All government jobs on a Federal Level will be restricted to American citizens who WERE BORN IN AMERICA. This is a similiar law to one that Mexico has, and will eliminate much of the fraud that goes on in Federal government as relates to immigration because of naturalized citizens bending and breaking laws to help friends and family migrate to America.

A national job bank will be created, and NO JOB may go to a foreigner wishing to come to America until the job has been listed and gone unfilled for a period of 6 months. IF they jobs go unfilled, they may then be offered to those seeking H2 and other visa's, but must be offered at the prevailing wage and benefits as are the industry standard for that job. Further, any company found to deliberate attempt wage depression so as to discourage a job being taken shall be subject to a $100,000 penalty, and precluded from hiring any non-citizen for a period of ten years for each offense. (this shall include all subsidiary's of said company.)

Any and all federal subsidies or tax breaks for moving jobs and/or companies out of America will be eliminated, and furthermore, all programs that provide loans or grants to those coming to America for purposes of starting a business or buying a home will be eliminated.

All immigration rules aimed at KEEPING FAMILIES together will become unconstitutional...each person chosing to come to America should be judged on their own merits, and not be given any kind of preferential treatment because other members of their family chose to come to America.

Any one else have some ideas to add to this?

Pinto Bean