Rick Perry Immigration Policy Favoring Education Comes Under Fire

September 24, 2011 02:15 PM EDT

Gather Politics

Rick Perry faces intense criticism for his stance on education for the children of illegal immigrants. For Perry, immigration has become an issue that could jeopardize his nomination as the Republican candidate for president.

Representatives from conservative groups like The Family Leader, Americans for Legal Immigration and The Tea Party Nation are less than thrilled with Perry's support for providing education benefits for the children of illegal immigrants. In particular, a spokesperson for Americans for Legal Immigration said, "Rick Perry is finished."

Other Republican candidates are stepping up their campaign activities in Iowa to take advantage of Rick Perry's recent lack of favor. Both Mitt Romney and Michele Bachmann will be increasing their campaign presence in the state as they try to recapture the attention Perry stole from them when he announced his bid for the presidential race six weeks ago.

In defense of his immigration policy, Perry argues for the rights of all children to receive an education. He reasons that the children are not the ones who decided to enter the country illegally and have committed no crime. To deprive them of education, "I don't think you have a heart," was Perry's opinion in a Fox News/Google debate earlier this week in Orlando, FL.

As a conservative Republican candidate, Rick Perry is having trouble aligning his opinions to his party, and sticking to his original voting record. It will be interesting to see if the more consistent Mitt Romney and Michele Bachmann can capitalize on Perry's vulnerable position.

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