Los Angeles, Alta California
August 16, 2007

Arizona Sheriff Arpaio's New Uniform

The Arizona Republic Newspaper ran a photograph of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Apaio wearing a Ku Klux Klan uniform. The photograph has been distributed within the state's Mexican-American community which has been victimized by Sheriff Arpaio's anti-immigrant policies. Sheriff Arpaio has established a telephone "Hotline" and has encouraged Arizonans to report suspected undocumented immigrants. This has served to racially profile the county's large Latino population. There have now been numerous crank calls and calls from racists reporting anyone who is Latino and who they do not like. Also, Sheriff Arpaio has organized a "posse" composed of mostly private citizens and has provided training for them to act as immigration agents. There are allegations that violent anti-immigrant racists have infiltrated his posse. Arizona is the home of numerous extreme anti-Latino xenophobes. In addition, there have been at least three massacres of undocumented immigrants travelling by motored vehicles on the state's public highways. They have been ambushed and killed by masked men with assault rifles. Some members of the Latino community believe that these masked gunmen may be rogue law enforcement officers and possibly members of organized posses.