By Frosty Wooldridge
December 17, 2007

As you watch your TV each night, do you appreciate America’s future sociological upheavals taking place before your eyes--today? For the most part, Americans don’t bat an eyelash. As long as it doesn’t bother them today, it’s someone else’s problem.

Los Angeles, California explodes with gang violence, 3.1 million illegal aliens,$38 billion debt, hospitals bankrupting, schools overrun and prisons exploding with Mexican criminals—but Americans go about their business as if it doesn’t affect them.

It stupefies me that my neighbors in Denver, Colorado watch gang murders in our city each week without uttering a word. Drunken illegal migrants kill our citizens, but the local papers hide that fact in daily reports—on the guise of avoiding finger pointing at particular ethnic groups.

How grave must violence become before we garner the guts to confront objective facts? Do all minority groups merit immunity as our nation falls into lawless chaos? How does this serve our society?

Our Governor Ritter, while Colorado’s district attorney, allowed seasoned drug and sex offenders off with ‘criminal trespass’ so they wouldn’t be deported—but never told Colorado citizens. Many of them killed Coloradans after release. We feature 500,000 illegals in Colorado leeching into our schools and obtaining free breakfasts, lunches and welfare. Anchor babies stress our hospitals while illegals explode our prison population. Your state reflects similar statistics commensurate to your illegal alien population.

We Americans stagger into the night as we continue toward a cliff. Our presidential candidates continue dancing around the illegal immigration crisis. Huckabee continues his ‘hucksterism’ while Obama thinks 20 million of them pick lettuce. Hillary sprints away from every question as to her solutions. Notice how the main stream media marginalizes Tom Tancredo, Ron Paul and Duncan Hunter by ignoring their answers to this nation-destroying issue. All the while, their ‘pick’ for president rides high in the polls.

We remain in the cross-hairs of a cultural time-bomb that already exploded in Europe. Their legal immigrants from poverty stricken regions in Africa and the Middle East accelerate social chaos, isolation, language separation and poverty. Harsh facts show them not assimilating into host countries. Multiculturalism and diversity prove a nightmare for Europeans.

In a report profiling our country’s dilemma: “Glimpse into America’s Futureâ€