Rep. Luis Gutierrez wants Obama to rule like a dictator on illegal immigration

Joe Newby, Spokane Conservative Examiner
July 4, 2011

On June 30, Illinios Democrat Luis Gutierrez demanded President Obama act like a third-world tinpot dictator and decree amnesty for young illegal immigrants - the so-called "Dream Act" kids.

"Take the executive action today," he screamed, according to a video posted at The Blaze.

"Don't wait for the Senate, don't wait for the House, don't wait for the Republicans and the Democrats to get together," he demanded, gesturing like a wild rabble-rousing revolutionary calling for Obama to bypass Congress and the will of the American people.

"Sign the executive order today and stop the deportation of all young people," he demanded to cheers.

Later in the video, Gutierrez said the President has broad discretionary powers to sign an executive order immediately ending deportations of illegal immigrants.

The Huffington Post reported in June that Gutierrez told bloggers Obama should not count on the Latino vote in 2012 unless he took executive action to prevent some deportations.

According to the Huffington Post:

Gutierrez, who carries considerable clout among Latinos, is touring the country under the banner "Change Takes Courage" to rally support for administrative relief from deportations.

He said in order to win support, Obama should create deferred action or parole for DREAM Act-eligible young people, allowing them to live and work in the U.S. until Congress acts on immigration reform. Instead, the administration often carries deportation proceedings to nearly the last minute, then allows an immigrant to stay after public outrage.

In a statement responding to Obama's El Paso immigration speech, Gutierrez, who is serving his tenth term, said:

He (Obama) has the power to make things better right now without the Congress having to pass any new laws and I will continue to encourage him to do so.

John Ransom at Townhall wrote:

Yeah, he can just do what he did for gays, unions, Chicago and all of his other cronies: He can ignore enforcing the old laws he doesn’t like. Or maybe he can grant every illegal immigrant a waiver, like he did for his favorites under healthcare “reform.â€