Americans Perplexed Over Bush’s Illogical Immigration AgendaBy Daniel Gilbert, 10/15/2007 11:38:11 AM
When America was attacked on 9-11, President Bush demonstrated great determination and courage in a time when we needed it most. I agreed with his decision to go to the source of the evil that had been visited upon us.

It has always been American policy to fight our wars as far away from our borders as possible. President Bush grasped that immediately. But before we could strike back, it was obvious that we had to deal with the immediate local threat.

Because our U.S. commercial aircraft were used as human tactical missiles, our primary focus had to be to secure our airports and air traffic. This was done, quickly and efficiently. All flights were grounded. Airport security was substantially increased. With the consent of Congress, the Department of Homeland Security was quickly established.

All of these efforts, however, focused inward. There was very little done to stem the flood of illegal aliens crossing our Southern border.

Three thousand Americans died from a terrorist attack on our country but while waging war on the enemy, President Bush left our borders wide open to terrorists who could have been quite successful in simply walking over the border with various forms of WMD’s to be perpetrated on to the American people.

Because President Bush did not secure our borders, America was and is plain and simply not safe. Because of President Bush’s compassion for the plight of illegal aliens, and his oft-stated but erroneous belief that there are jobs “Americans just won’t do,â€