Immigration bill bad for workers

I write today to state our union's unwavering and unequivocal opposition to U.S. Senate bill 1348, which is under consideration and which would create a new temporary worker program in the United States.

If this bill passes, it will have dire consequences on the middle class in America by further accelerating the erosion of our standard of living while simultaneously opening the door for further exploitation of guest workers.

I urge all middle class New Jerseyans -- white-collar, blue-collar and plaid-collar workers -- to join me in writing Sens. Lautenberg and Menendez to express their opposition to the planned opening of our borders.

The assault on the American middle class, our jobs, our futures and our retirements must end. Rather than help, S1348 adds fuel to the fire burning ever closer to us.

Chip Gerrity, president, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, New Jersey ... NzE0Njk0NQ