Amnesty Plans Soon Could Add Tens of Millions of Energy Consumers to U.S., Further Drain Social Security Trust Fund, Says DASA

5/17/2005 5:00:00 AM


To: National and International desks

Contact: Yeh Ling-Ling of Diversity Alliance for a Sustainable America, 510-835-5017 or 510-915-4982 (cell)

OAKLAND, Calif., May 17 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Last September, "Time" estimated that 3 million illegal aliens would enter this country in 2004 alone. Legal immigration has averaged one million annually in recent years. These 4 million foreign nationals and their children born here all consume energy, just like other human beings.

Last December, Barron's reported that the illegal immigrant population in the U.S. was estimated to be 18 million to 20 million. "If the U.S. granted amnesty to just 10 million illegal aliens, within years, those migrants could add tens of millions of new energy consumers to this country through births and chain migration!" says Yeh Ling-Ling, executive director of Diversity Alliance for a Sustainable America (DASA). "The United States cannot rely on drilling the Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and/or alternative sources of energy to support unlimited U.S. population growth. Even if we could cut domestic consumption by half, little progress would we achieve if our population doubles."

A continued massive influx of low-skilled immigrants will also exacerbate our Social Security problems. The above-mentioned Barron's article also reported that underground economy in this country, fueled largely by "the nation's swelling ranks of low- wage illegal immigrants," would "soon pass $1 trillion." Yet, the Bush administration signed the Totalization Agreement with Mexico which allows Mexicans working illegally in the U.S. to draw up to $345 billion from the Social Security Trust Fund over the next 20 years!

Even assuming that low-income legal and illegal immigrant workers pay taxes diligently, the revenue they generate will not be enough to cover the cost of educating their children -- an average of more than $6,000 per child per year -- let alone the costs of other services and infrastructure. And their contribution to Social Security will not cover the benefits they will receive when they retire.

"President Bush and Congress should realize that continued massive immigration will further exacerbate our energy and Social Security Problems," says Ms. Yeh, who urges that Americans oppose all amnesty proposals, including President Bush and Senators Kennedy/McCain's defacto amnesty plans, and demand that our immigration laws be seriously enforced and all benefits be denied to illegal aliens. DASA is a national non-profit organization whose leaders and supporters are racially and politically diverse, including Hispanic and Asian immigrants.