Federal agent calls Dallas area a 'comfort zone' for gun smugglers arming Mexico drug war

03:29 PM CDT on Monday, September 20, 2010
By AVI SELK / The Dallas Morning News

A federal agency is setting its sights on Dallas as it fights the flow of U.S. guns into Mexico's violent drug wars.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives plans to set up 10-member teams in Dallas and several other cities to catch smugglers who buy guns far from the violent border regions where they end up.

"They'll come up and purchase guns here, or have someone purchase them for them," said Tom Crowley, a spokesman for ATF's Dallas division.

Crowley called North Texas a "comfort zone" for drug cartels that use "straw purchasers" – U.S. citizens with no criminal records – to buy guns in large quantities for smuggling.

More than 28,000 people have died in drug-related violence in Mexico in the last four years. ATF investigators will work with local gun shops and wholesalers to track firearms from Mexican shootouts back to their U.S. purchasers, Crowley said.

Dallas was selected because ATF has already prosecuted numerous traffickers in North Texas, Crowley said. In once case, he said, a trafficking group purchased guns in Oklahoma City , stockpiled them in Lewisville and eventually smuggled them into Mexico through Laredo.

The bureau will also set up teams in Oklahoma City, Atlanta , Las Vegas and Miami – as well as two border cities: Brownsville and Sierra Vista, Ariz.

"We're trying to look at the big picture," Crowley said. "It's not just a border issue."

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