Obama siding with illegal aliens?
Chad Groening - OneNewsNow - 3/11/2009 7:40:00 AM

The head of a grassroots immigration reform organization says he's concerned that the Obama administration will put a halt on workforce raids on businesses that hire illegal immigrants.

Recently The Washington Times reported that illegal alien rights groups have blasted President Obama for breaking what they call his "personal commitment" to change Bush-era immigration raids after federal authorities raided an engine machine shop in Washington State and arrested 28 illegal alien workers.

The Times reported that the Obama administration itself seemed taken aback by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents' raid, and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano vowed to Congress that she would "get to the bottom of this." White House spokesman Nick Shapiro said "these raids are not a long-term solution." William Gheen, president of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC, responds.

"Napolitano is apologizing pretty much that her agents enforced the law recently and that she is going to 'get to the bottom of that,'" he notes. "We don't have enough immigration enforcement as it is, and apparently Obama and Napolitano promised the open borders Latino caucus that they're going to end what minimal enforcement we do have."

Napolitano wants agents to go after employers and stop enforcing the law against the illegal alien workers, Gheen adds.

"We had a situation with Bush where he was going after the illegal alien workers but not the employers. Now we have Napolitano who says she's going to go after the employers, but not the illegal alien workers," he points out. "And the American public wants everybody treated equally and the laws enforced against all of them."

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