By: Devvy
July 21, 2008

© 2008 -

My column on the FDA produced more than 2500 emails this past week; the master list of diseases is now updated. The issue of a nation self medicating on dangerous drugs approved by the FDA really struck a chord. In that column, I pointed out two major factors why Americans are so apathetic and stumbling through life without a clue: fluoride and aspartame.

However, it goes even deeper. By reducing the population to little better than the level of cattle with only basic feelings like hunger, need for water and herding them with a prod (mother government), down goes self-reliance, self-determination and courage. Fed, watered and led to the slaughter house. How is this done? The master plans for inculcating the communist morality (communitarianism) into the American landscape has been underway for a century and that's exactly what it does to people: takes away their self-esteem, individualism, their drive for success and lumps them in with the "community." They are manipulated into believing that a Godless (secular) nation is good; what the Founding Fathers wanted! This is necessary for communism to exist and thrive.

Another good example of manipulation: elections. This metaphor sums it up perfectly: It's like a student taking driving lessons. The first time out, the student gets the fake steering wheel while the instructor is actually controlling the vehicle. But, the fake steering wheel makes the student "feel" he has control and that perception is all important when evil forces take over a country.

Pretty harsh, but our elections have been controlled for more than 40 years, not by we the people, but by those who lust for power and money. They have used advanced technology (electronic voting machines and scanners) - the real steering wheel, while the people have been given the fake one. The American people believe they're given a choice, dutifully go to the ballot box, hold their nose and vote for the lesser of the two evils [against the other party] and play right into the hands of the destroyers who made them "feel" like they've done the right thing. Compliant, willing, the herding technique essential for brutal dictatorships to exist.

If you watch this short video, you will see how ordinary Americans explain why they're voting for a particular candidate. If you think this is an anomaly, you would be wrong. How can the American people be so uninformed, so accepting of the communitarian doctrine being shoved down their throats by politicians and blindly begging for totalitarian government? I have covered some of the dogma in previous columns: "Using Marxist-Leninist strategies, the Russian, Chinese, and U.S. ruling elites have sought to frighten Americans and other populations with the specter of ruthless mass terror." September 11, 2001, was the premiere event for implementing the necessary psychological warfare against the American people to give up their freedoms and liberties because 19 hijackers conducted mass murder on American soil.

There's a slight problem with that web of lies: Seven, perhaps 8, of the alleged hijackers appear to alive and trying to get their names off the FBI's list; click here.

A new German documentary has been released that does an excellent job on the 9/11 operation; it also covers the "dead" hijackers. Subtitles are used, but you won't have a problem. Loading can be slow, but it's worth the wait. I highly recommend this powerful video and at the end, you will see thousands of people in Brussels's march for a new 9/11 investigation. You see, the 9/11 truth movement is world wide and growing. As one commentator says towards the end of the documentary: How can the American people refuse to see what's right in front of their eyes?

They refuse because there is something akin to a mass psychosis in this country. I'm not a qualified expert or health practitioner in that field, but I know what I'm talking about regarding the manipulation of the American people. This web site gives examples of different types of psychosis, i.e,: "Delusional disorder is when someone has a firmly held belief in things that are not true." 9/11 is a perfect example. The majority of Americans are afraid of the truth about September 11, 2001, so the willfully believe lies. You might take ten minutes to watch this video. Hundreds of first responders are dying and hundreds more will as their bodies are eaten alive by what they breathed at ground zero. Christie Todd Whitman knowingly lied about the air quality and she should be indicted for conspiracy to commit murder at the very least and it should be done by a grand jury in New York City.

At Community Church in New York City on September 9, 2006, a group of 9/11 first responders shared their experiences at ground zero and afterward. "We were also killed on 9/11. Avenge us," pleads former National Guard Sergeant, David Miller. "We came to your rescue on 9/11. Now thousands of us and our families need you to come to ours. Heroic first responders are dying of toxic exposure at Ground Zero. Now they are asking the 9/11 Truth movement to wake up the rest of the country to the real terrorists of 9/11: the US government, with the complicity of media giants. Miller notes of those Americans who refuse to look at the truth, "I know something about sheep. Sheep never conceive that the man who fills their grain bins, but without any afterthought, one day starts cutting throats...and every time 'Popular Mechanics' calls the people of this movement 'nuts', these propagandists, professional liars and tools, who cannot, by any stretch of the imagination, be called journalists, strike another nail into the coffin of another rescue worker."

How can we turn our backs on these heroes who want the truth? How can we not demand justice for the thousands of rescuers at ground zero who are dying because of lies by the Bush Administration? You can watch David Miller's short speech here at 10:12 seconds into the video. How can we turn our back on them to protect our comfort zones?

What's happened to the American spirit of independence, self-reliance and individual achievement? Well, for one thing, you have Marxists like Bill Clinton make this shameful statement, April 19, 1994: "When we got organized as a country, we wrote a fairly radical Constitution with a radical Bill of Rights, giving a radical amount of individual freedom to Americans, however there's a lot of irresponsibility today in this country and so a lot of people say there's too much personal freedom. When personal freedom's being abused, you have to move to limit it." Spoken like a stinking Red.

Marxist Barry Obama and other elitists push "community service" and "volunteerism" as something "we" should all aspire to do: selfless dedication for the "common good" - one of Hillary's favorites. These fanatics deliberately flog the American people with the same big lie that America is a democracy. Jeri Lynn Ball, an expert on the communitarian movement explains here from her outstanding book, The Voices of America's Destruction, the strategy for achieving and subduing the American people. A major goal for communist domination - besides eliminating God from the American landscape - is the destruction of the nuclear family; see here, Ibid.

In Jeri's book, Triumph Over Tyranny, Taxation and Treason, she outlines very precisely the plan and how to implement the creation of the "new Soviet Man":

"Our rulers are winning the battle to destroy America because they are not just changing institutions...the are reconstructing human beings. They are using the alturist-collectivist morality - the code of Nazi Germany[1] and communist Russia - to shape the attitudes of Americans. They are using morality as a weapon to create new human beings they can control and dominate.

"Hitler indoctrinated the Germans with Nazi propaganda, then using trickery and deception, swiftly and skillfully executed a bold plan to seize legal and total control of the German Government.[2] This unscrupulous demagogue was a master propagandist, a consummate con artist, and a pathological liar who had a glib tongue and a malevolent agenda, but he is being eclipsed by leaders of the present administration whose Machiavellian schemes and aims dwarf those of the infamous Nazi dictator."

She was writing about Marxist Bill Clinton in that book, but history will show that Bush was installed in the White House to finish off freedom and liberty once and for all with the cooperation of the U.S. Congress under the guise of the never ending "war on terrorism." I encourage you to read what she has written in these three links: Art: A Mirror of America's Philosophy; The Decay of America's Universities (important because every effort is being made to register college students to vote for Marxist Barry Obama aka Barack Hussein; and Government Run Schools: Instruments for the Destruction of Freedom.

If Americans don't understand what has been done to them over time, they can't reject how they've been manipulated under deceptive labels like "progressive" and "liberal." Americans spout "our democracy" without understanding how evil democracy is and should be rejected by anyone who cherishes freedom. One cannot fight back without the facts. While the American people are crying out for "change," they are being led like cattle to the slaughter - not for real change - but the same strategies that have been used against them in the past. New lies for old.

When you hear popular, well paid neutralizers like Rush Limbaugh, the vile Newt Gingrich (CFR) and Sean Hannity wail about "fighting for the hearts and minds of the American people," they stay focused on the "other side," meaning the Democrats. Never do they drift to anything close to the truth. The other side of the same coin, liberal mouth pieces like Keith Olbermann and Alan Colmes, do the same thing, but they will never define for you the under pinings of why the masses are suffering as a society, so willing to give up their God-given rights.

William Z. Foster, General Secretary of the Communist Party USA and trade union leader, wrote one of the most comprehensive books on exactly how communism would be inculcated into the American mind: Toward Soviet America. Foster's book explains, using the usual communist jargon exactly how, over time, various philosophies promoted by the media and government schools, would cause the American people to jettison the very values and strengths that made America so great. See how far the masses have progressed in accepting the communist morality; click here.

Learn to recognize propaganda when you read it. Stay away from dangerous individuals like Richard C. Cook (click down about half way) and Carolyn Baker (click down about half way). Beware of dangerous web sites like this that contains material which sounds patriotic, until you read the words and understand what's being peddled:

Get rid of capitalism! Those dirty capitalists! "The destitution caused by a totally shattered, bankrupt capitalist "system," must motivate blue- and white-collar workers worldwide to gain increased critical consciousness and radicalized revolutionary determination. We must set about creating a new political-economic-cultural system for human fulfillment: a redistribution of wealth, democratization of the workplace, and federalized worker control over industry and finance, among other essential features."

Human fulfillment, redistribution of wealth. Federalize worker control over industry and finance. This is pure communist propaganda. At the bottom of that web site is the big fist. Comrades world wide recognize it. This is exactly how communists recruit. That and hoodwinking the American people into thinking communism is dead

The "New European Soviet": The European Union is rapidly descending into totalitarianism. Under NAFTA and the proposed FTAA, U.S. policy makers have adopted the same socialist EU program....President Bush, President Fox and the "new world order" Power Elite at the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission and Council of the Americas have all adopted the deceptive terminology of the EU--"integration," "harmonization," "convergence"--to describe their "American project." They have adopted an aggressive schedule, intending to do in a few years what it has taken the eurocrats decades to accomplish. We can and must stop this treasonous plan--or Mr. Gorbachev and his ilk will soon be able to gloat about the "new American Soviet."

Change will not happen with the same incumbents from county to state to the U.S. Congress. It surely will not happen with Obama or Juan McCain (CFR) as president. This country is infested with people who want to destroy our constitutional republic in favor of world government. If your local politicians, member of your state legislature or Congress hasn't gotten the job done the last time you "elected" them, it won't happen if you put them back in office. Our state legislatures do have a relatively small number of great Americans serving and they need your help getting reelected. America has to wake up, face the horror staring us in the face and work to get real constitutionalists elected at all levels of government. What has been done (Patriot Act and other draconian legislation) can be undone, but not if America puts the same Congress back in office.

The American people must reject these dangerous philosophies as discussed above. We must reject every "law" passed since 9/11 which violates the U.S. Constitution and makes scrap paper out of the Bill of Rights. No matter the cost, no matter the pain. If we don't, our children and grand children WILL inherit what we didn't stop.

[Note: I will be a guest on Carl Wilson's show, Wednesday, July 23, 2008. KAJO radio is streamed live on the Internet if you'd like to listen. Scott will be sitting in; the show airs at 9:30 to 10:30 am PST, 12:30 to 1:30 pm EST. Click here to listen; then click on "Listen Live." Call in number is 541-472-1270. I'd love to talk to you on air.]


1. The Pink Swastika: “As a Jewish scholar who lost hundreds of her family in the Holocaust, I welcome The Pink Swastika as courageous and timely . . . Lively and Abrams reveal the reigning “gay historyâ€