Mike Huckabee’s Voting Record On Taxes,Amnesty Criticized

Former Arkansas governor has consistently supported tax hikes so you can pay for benefits and welfare for illegal aliens

January 6, 2008

By Julia Foster

For 10 years, as governor of Arkansas, Mike Huckabee supported amnesty and taxpayer-financed welfare and health care for illegal aliens and increased taxes numerous times. Now, after sniffing the political winds, he poses as tough on illegal aliens and a tax-whacker.

His recent conversion has inspired many evangelical Christians to flock to his support, as they did to President Jimmy Carter in 1976—with disastrous results. Many are unaware that Huckabee’s record betrays his new-found words.

As a born-again, ordained Southern Baptist minister, it would behoove Huckabee to explain his late life conversion to his sheep, who see him as their shepherd. If elected, will Huckabee stick to his present position or revert to coddling criminal aliens and raising taxes?

It is common for promises made in presidential campaigns to be broken once the office is won. President Bush the Elder promised, “Read my lips: no new taxesâ€