August 24, 2007 - Friday

"Illegal Immigrants, Outright Treason, and the Real Deal"

Illegal immigration is a hot topic in the news today. Most people do not realize the importance of this issue. I hold a firm belief that this issue is of such great importance that it could lead to the worst civil turmoil since the Civil Rights Era. In the worst case scenario, this could lead to another American-Civil War. (Note: This is not a partisan issue. Neither am I a Democrap nor a Republican't and neither am I liberal in my ideology nor am I conservative in my ideology. I am American in my ideology!)

There are many ridiculous arguments for illegal immigrants living and working in our nation:

1) They are doing jobs that Americans do not want to do and are helping the economy.

This is simply not true. I have met many people who are out of work or underpaid due to the use of illegal immigrant labor. In addition, their contribution to the economy is dismal at best as was displayed during their ridiculous strikes. Most of their incomes are sent to Mexico to support their families and that money is spent in Mexico. How does this help our economy?

2) You are a rascist if you want them out of our country or if you are against them.

I can say,"Go back to Mexico, you damn Mexicans", with pride and I will tell you why. The importance of the racist argument is to make the distinction between an illegal and a legal immigrant.

It is also important to understand that there is no Mexican race. The United States Census does not even list Mexican as a race; they are listed as an ethnicity, in other words, they are a diverse ethnic group. By our nation's definition, there is no Mexican race; so, how can anyone be a rascist against them? Oh wait, I forgot that these people do not care about the laws and norms of our nation, now do they? Even if they consider themselves a race, it is important to make the separation between an illegal immigrant and a legal immigrant. If you want to send these Mexicans back to Mexico; you are NOT a racist.

There you have it folks; I have provided the only arguments for having illegal Mexican citizens in our nation and shot them down with great ease. Now, let's get into some FACTS:

A FACT is that Illegal immigrants are "Illegal". The definition of illegal is to be against the law. The FACT is that illegal immigrants are not citizens of the United States of America. Keep in mind that most of these people do not pay the federal income tax. A FACT is that through their marches; they have shown no loyalty to the United States of America. They waive their Mexican flags, they do not want to learn English, and they have no interest in taking to a proper assimilation into our society (as all other historical immigrant groups have done).

A FACT is that many of these "illegal immigrants" (citizens of Mexico) are part of organizations who want to restore the land "stolen" as a result of the Treaty of Guadalupe (which is land recognized by international law as belonging to the United States of America).

Another FACT is that many of these Mexicans are part of racist groups that are comparable to American Nazi Skinheads. They hate white people and Americans in general.

An additional FACT that many people do not realize is that the Mexican government encourages illegal immigration and in FACT has the audacity to hand out pamphlets on how to illegally cross the border of the United States. From a strategic point of view, it is possible that Mexico is seeking to take over America from within.

The FACT is that these Mexicans are taking jobs that Americans WOULD do, driving down wages, and using all of our social services. Illegal Mexicans want all the benefits with none of the cost. This is what you might term a "freeloader".

The Traitors:

Our legislators and the Executive Branch are traitors to the United States of America and the Constitution that they have sworn to uphold. The fact is, they are leaving the border wide open while we American sheep witness news of a border fence being built which in reality is a ridiculously small fence that is a number around something like 20 miles of our 1951 mile border (wikipedia). The INS does not enforce the laws as it should. They are traitors to the United States of America.

Our local governments, state governments, and their members are traitors to the United States of America. They encourage illegal immigration by building illegal Mexican centers, where Mexican citizens can congregate in the shade and find their illegal job opportunities. Have you seen them? I have seen them all over Texas and I wouldn't doubt that they are built or are being built from sea to ****ing shining sea.

Our media, which I consider to be the fourth branch of government and whose purpose is to serve and protect the American people from their government, is the biggest traitor of all to the United States of America. By refusing to cover stories that are of vast importance to its citizens and viewers, it is engaging in treason. The majority of journalists in our great Republic are traitors to the United States of America and it is about time that someone spoke up about it. There are some exceptions; however, the vast consensus among journalists today is to conform to the wishes and agendas of their corporate handlers.

The Real Deal:

The Real Deal is that our border is being left wide open for the development of the North American Union (NAU). Have you ever heard of the EU (European Union)? It is coming to America. There will be a breakdown of all of American, Mexican, and Canadian national sovereignty in the coming years. Do the research yourself! This is a FACT.

The Real Deal is that the North American Union is under development as we speak. They ARE building a superhighway from Mexico through the United States and into Canada which would erase our borders. I know this is unbelievable but look it up for yourself. It is hidden in plain view.

The Real Deal is that our cultures are being intermingled in order to further the advance of the NAU. This is why Mexicans are encouraged and allowed by both the United States and Mexico to cross the border and work illegally.

The Real Deal is that we will continue to see mergers of nations and breakdowns of national sovereignty across the globe. There will be a South American Union, Asian Union, Central American Union, African Union, and many other unions and trade deals that blatantly erode national sovereignty in the future with the end goal of one Global Union, which would be a one world government. This one world government is what even professors openly refer to and support as the New World Order.

Why should you be concerned?

A North American Union would be the end of the great Constitution of the United States of America that every citizen has a duty to defend. Therefore, if you support illegal immigration and any breakdowns of national sovereignty; then, you are a traitor to the Untied States and should be prosecuted as such.

A North American Union would end all of your civil rights. For those of you who do not know the rights and freedoms that our great forefathers afforded to us in 1791 (wikipedia), let me refresh your memory:

(Amendment means that it is now part of the Constitution)

The Bill of Rights:

Amendment 1 to the U.S. Constitution:

Freedom to say what you want
Freedom to worship who and what you want to
Freedom of reporters to investigate stories and report them
Freedom to Assemble and protest government activities

Amendment 2 to the U.S. Constitution:

Freedom to own a gun and protect yourself from criminals and your government
Freedom for states to maintain militias for protection against an overbearing federal government

Amendment 3 to the U.S. Constitution:

Freedom from being forced to have a soldier live in your home

Amendment 4 to the U.S. Constitution:

Freedom from your home and your person being searched without probable cause and issue of a warrant.

Amendment 5 to the U.S. Constitution:

Freedom from being forced to testify against yourself in a trial.

Amendment 6 to the U.S. Constitution:

Freedom from sitting in jail for years waiting for a trial (speedy trial)
Freedom from having no legal counsel in a trial
Freedom from having a judge decide your fate (trial by jury)

Amendment 7 to the U.S. Constitution:

Freedom from having numerous trials against you for whatever charge in question

Amendment 8 to the U.S. Constitution:

Freedom from having to post excessive bail to get out of jail
Freedom from cruel and unusual punishment for any crimes found guilty of

Amendment 9 to the U.S. Constitution:

Freedom from your rights being violated by others or the government

Amendment 10 to the U.S. Constitution:

Freedom from an overbearing Federal Government (states' rights)

Why should you be concerned?

The NAU would make the Constitution void. You will not have these freedoms. Keep in mind that the government determines the laws and can define you as a criminal for absolutely any activity if you are not protected.

It is not acceptable to maintain the mentality that you are not a criminal or have nothing to hide because all of that can change with a single signature when you have no protection against such violations.

Our founders believed that our rights and freedoms were granted to us by God and not by any government.

Therefore, we MUST defend against the NAU and one way to do so is to get illegal Mexican citizens out of our country. So, my fellow Americans, I ask you to join me in saying, "Illegal Mexicans, go the **** home"!

*(Anyone who considers the North American Union as a "conspiracy theory", I challenge you to call it a theory five years from now) ... =303175727