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Assaults shouldn’t fuel hatred

Column by L.A. Parker - Gary Clark said he’s had enough.
Three thugs he described as Hispanic attacked the 43-year-old bail bondsman along South Broad Street Thursday afternoon.

One wrestled with Clark in an alley while another pulled a "box cutter or small blade of some type’’ and slashed him repeatedly on his face and neck, the victim said.

His injuries, four slash marks on his face and neck, required medical treatment.

One cut required 13 stitches while three others were repaired via other surgical methods.

Clark phoned the Trentonian yesterday angry and vengeful.

"I’ve got a wife and 7-year-old son. If people like this guy think that hard working men like me are going to stand by and take this (stuff) then they are so wrong. I’m not going to take this,’’ Clark said.

Clark said he was driving on South Broad Street near Harding Avenue with his window down when he felt something wet and hard hit his face.

He said that one of three men had thrown an object in his car.

"I backed my car up and got out to confront them,’’ said Clark.

Clark said that he fought with the three men before one pulled and slashed him in his face, an attack that required 14 stitches.

While assumptions frequently produce erroneous conclusions, allow me an opportunity to make one statement about this attack.

Many people reading this account of the Clark assault might assume that the three Hispanic men are illegal immigrants.

The generalization could promote a host of other generalizations, prejudices, biases, etc. because that’s how many minds work.

Readers who think Americans have bridged our great ethnic divide, need to research recent anti-immigration rallies throughout the country.

Tolerance for anyone or anything out of our ordinary is received with the patience of a 2-year-old.

While immigration supporters plan a Thursday rally at the State House Annex, incidents like the Clark attack increases anti-immigration sentiment.

J. Carlos Avila, a 2005 College of New Jersey graduate who supports legislature that allows undocumented immigrants to stay in America, said incidents like the Clark case hurt his movement.

"It shouldn’t, but I know that it does because in America, such acts committed by individuals of minority groups tend to affect the entire group,’’ said Avila, a community organizer.

"We don’t know if these men were illegal or not but incidents like this create an incentive to attack immigration supporters even harder.’’

Clark may be one of those prepared for retaliation.

"It’s time for people to do something about this kind of stuff,’’ said Clark.

Despite the Clark case, Avila remains positive regarding his pro-immigration movement.

"Honestly, I think some momentum has been lost but we’re working hard to regain that momentum,’’ he said.

"One of our main goals right now is to stop the deportation of immigrants. The government is attempting to remove as many undocumented immigrants as possible before any legislation is passed,’’ Avila said.

"Our hope is to garner as much support as we can from both white and black Americans.’’

Winning Clark over may take a miracle.

L.A. Parker is a Trentonian staff writer. His columns appear on Thursdays and Saturdays. Reach him at