Attention John McCain: American Hispanics are Fighting for Our Country Not for Illegal Aliens
WASHINGTON, June 6 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- During last night's Republican presidential debates, Senator John McCain attempted to blur the distinction between Americans of Hispanic origin and illegal aliens by citing the contributions of American Hispanics in the defense of this nation as a justification for his illegal amnesty bill. American Hispanics have a long and proud tradition of service to this nation, and many deeply resent Sen. McCain's attempt to equate them with illegal aliens.

"American Hispanics serve this nation with distinction because we are Americans who are loyal to this country and what it stands for," declared retired Col. Al Rodriguez, chairman of You Don't Speak for Me. "Sen. McCain cynically implied that American Hispanics identify with illegal aliens based on their ethnicity, and that illegal aliens share the same allegiance to this nation that American Hispanics have demonstrated. He is dead wrong on both counts."

You Don't Speak for Me is a national nonpartisan organization of American Hispanics who believe that the immigration laws of the United States need to be enforced and who are opposed to amnesty for illegal aliens.

"American Hispanics see themselves first and foremost as Americans. We share the same concerns about illegal immigration that you would find among Americans of any other ethnic background," continued Rodriguez. "In many cases it is our jobs, our children's schools, our communities that are most adversely affected by illegal immigration, and we have the most to lose from the amnesty proposal being pushed by Senators McCain and Kennedy, and President Bush.

"Right now there are thousands of American Hispanics fighting for our freedom in Iraq and Afghanistan," said Rodriguez, a retired career Army officer. "Most of them would deeply resent their patriotism and sacrifice being used to justify amnesty for millions of illegal aliens. Most illegal aliens may share some ethnic roots with these brave mean and women, but to equate people who have snuck across our borders and make a mockery of our laws with loyal American citizens is insulting.

"We founded You Don't Speak for Me in order to dispel the notion that the illegal aliens and their supporters who marched through the streets of America last year waving foreign flags were speaking on behalf of millions of American Hispanics. In light of his remarks in last night's debate, we need to emphasize to Sen. McCain that you don't speak for us either," Rodriguez concluded ... 007-1.html