Building on Border Fence Delayed
April 15th, 2007 @ 7:11am by Associated Press

A shortage of funds and volunteer manpower has stalled plans by the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps to build a border fence at a private ranch near Bisbee Junction.

Landowner Richard Hodges invited the Minutemen to build a 14-foot, double-layered security fence on his ranch last fall.

He says the civilian border watch group stopped working on the project in January.

The group's executive director, Al Garza, says his group has now generated the necessary funds to finish the nearly mile-long fence, but is focusing on its April border-watch campaign in the Altar Valley.

He says the materials for the fence are in hand and expects work to start up again within two weeks.

Hodges says he has noticed an increase in illegal border-crossings since the Minutemen stopped working at the ranch.