Workers hurt
Article Launched: 11/10/2008 11:06:51 PM PST

When Ruben Navarrette remarks that "it is remarkable that so many of those who rail against illegal immigration don't really understand the terrain," this is just another ho-hum excuse to avoid confronting the basic issues of this massive unlawful migration.

With our national jobless rate nearing 7 percent nationally, and 7.3 percent in California, we still hear the shrill clamors from sundry ideologues to insure the legal presence of some 3 million illegals in California and 12-plus million nationally.

These ideologues seem to have little concern for the mega billions annually these unlawful migrants are costing American taxpayers. It's $10 billion annually in California, a state with a $11 billion deficit.

Any American legislator with a modicum of compassion for the welfare of unskilled American workers and innocent American taxpayers should have long since refused these attempts to exacerbate the welfare of low-skilled Americans.

It's bottom-of-the-barrel wage rates, not hard work, that unskilled American workers reject because they can't maintain their dignities or feed their families. I'd like to ask Mr. Navarrette, why in light of our current economic crisis, should any illegal immigrant be employed, granted legal status, or sanctuary, while millions of American workers remain jobless?

Mike Scott, Glendora