Stopping Illegal Immigration Starts at the Worksite

by Rep. Steve King
Posted Nov 4, 2005

Attention Americans, including those in the big white house: The U.S. has an illegal immigration problem.

Three million illegal aliens pour across our Southern border every year. Front-line Border Patrol agents estimate they are only 25% to 33% successful. Last year their efforts resulted in intercepting 1,159,000 illegal aliens. Of those, only 1,640 were adjudicated for deportation and removed. The rest “promised� to return on their own. This means that for every illegal alien apprehended, about two to three more slip across the border, and of those apprehended, most stay in America. What other profession allows a 33% success rate? Certainly not doctors, accountants, cashiers or even lawyers. Why do we allow our federal government to do its job only a third of the time?

Thankfully, our lack of immigration enforcement is finally at the center of the national debate. There are more than enough proposals for the public to digest. Most of them, however, reward immigration lawbreakers with amnesty.

Americans are conditioned to believe that illegal aliens support our workforce, because they take jobs Americans will not do and accept wages Americans will refuse. The reality is, when employers are faced with the decision to hire a legal worker over an illegal worker, it has become a rational decision to hire the illegal.

We do have laws to reduce the problems that stem from illegal immigrationâ€â€